PPolish art -

Making generalizations about the visual culture of any group of people is a crude endeavor, especially with a culture as diverse as Poland's. With this thought in mind, know that this survey, as any must be, is tremendously limited in its breadth and depth.

[Expect a more in-depth article to appear here soon.]





Examples of Polish art:




see thumbnail to rightJan Polack (Polish, -1519), The Death of St. Corbinian, 1484-85, oil on wood panel, 147 x 129 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich. Northern Renaissance painter.



see thumbnail to leftPiotr Michalowski (Polish, 1800-1855), Cavalier on a Horse (Kawalerzysta na koniu), oil on canvas, 61 x 46 cm, collection of Ewa and Wojciech Fibak. An adherent of Romanticism, Michalowski has been called "the Polish Gericault," a painter of portraits, equine subjects, and battle scenes.




see thumbnail to rightPiotr Michalowski, Battle of Samosierra (Bitwa pod Samosierrà), National Museum, Cracow.




see thumbnail to leftPiotr Michalowski, Portrait of a peasant with a hat (Portret chlopa w kapeluszu), oil on canvas, 52,7 x 35,5 cm, Polish National Museum, Warsaw.



Napoleon Orda (Polish, 1807-1883)




see thumbnail to rightHenryk Rodakowski (Polish, 1823-1894), Portrait of the artist's daughter, Maria Wozniakowska (Portret córki artysty, Marii Woêniakowskiej), oil on canvas, 120 x 85 cm, Lvov Painting Gallery.




see thumbnail to leftHenryk Rodakowski, Wojna kokosza, 1872, oil on canvas, Polish National Museum, Warsaw.



Juliusz Kossak (Polish, 1824-1899). A painter of equine subjects.



Henryk Siemiradzki (Polish, 1834-1902)



Artur Grottger (Polish, 1837-1867). His history and genre scenes represent a more local Polish variation of Romanticism.




see thumbnail to rightJan Matejko (Polish, 1838-1893), Portrait of the artist's three children (Portret trojga dzieci artysty), 1870, oil, Polish National Museum, Warsaw.


Jozef Brandt (Polish, 1841-1915)



Maksymilian Gierymski (Polish, 1846-1874)



Jozef Chelmonski (Polish, 1849-1914). A painter of landscapes.



Aleksander Gierymski (Polish, 1850-1901). French Impressionism.



Stanislaw Witkiewicz (Polish, 1851-1915)



Leon Wyczolkowski (Polish, 1852-1936). Polish Impressionism and Symbolism.



Julian Falat (Polish, 1853-1929). Polish Impressionism.



Jacek Malczewski (Polish, 1854-1929). See Symbolism and Romanticism.



see thumbnail to leftWladyslaw Slewinski (Polish, c. 1854 - 1918), Self-Portrait with Hat (Autoportret w slomkowym kapeluszu), c. 1894, oil on canvas, 60 x 45 cm, Polish National Museum, Warsaw. See self-portrait.




see thumbnail to rightWladyslaw Slewinski, Bouquet of Roses, c. 1902, oil on canvas, 55 x 37 cm, collection of Wladyslawa Jaworska, Warszawa. See still life.



see thumbnail to leftWladyslaw Slewinski, Stare domy w Kazimierzu nad Wislà , c. 1908, oil on canvas, 48.6 x 59.7 cm, collection of A.G.Altschul, NY.



Jan Stanislawski (Polish, 1860-1907)



Olga Bozna_ska (Polish, 1865-1940)



Samuel Hirszenberg (Polish, 1865-1908). See Jewish art.



Józef Pankiewicz (Polish, 1866-1940). Polish Impressionism and Symbolism.



Wladyslaw Podkowi_ski (Polish, 1866-1895). Polish Impressionism and Symbolism.


Ludwik de Laveaux (Polish, 1868-1894)



see thumbnail to leftJózef Mehoffer (Polish, 1869-1946), The Strange Garden, 1903, oil on canvas, 217 x 208 cm, Polish National Museum, Warsaw, Poland. Member of Sztuka (Art), an organization of Polish painters related to Art Nouveau, founded in 1897. Mehoffer is also noted for his designs for stained glass windows.



Stanislaw Wyspianski (Polish, 1869-1907). Another member of Sztuka.



see thumbnail to rightFerdynand Ruszczyc (Polish, 1870-1936), Earth, 1898, Polish National Museum, Warsaw.



Konrad Krzy_anowski (Polish, 1872-1922)



Wojciech Weiss (Polish, 1875-1950)



see thumbnail to leftBoleslas Biegas (Polish, 1877-1954), 1902, Sphinx, sculpture, bust, Musée d'Orsay, Paris. See sphinx and Symbolism.




see thumbnail to rightWitold Wojtkiewicz (Polish, 1879-1909), Pentecost Holiday Fair near Cracow (also called Carrousel), 1906, oil on canvas, 96 x 100 cm (37 7/8 x 39 3/8 inches), Detroit Institute of Arts, MI.



see thumbnail to leftWitold Wojtkiewicz, Porwanie królewny (Ucieczka), 1908, tempera, Polish National Museum, Warsaw.



Tadeusz Makowski (Polish, 1882-1932)





see thumbnail to rightElie Nadelman (American, born Poland, 1882-1946), Dancer, c. 1918-1919, cherrywood, The Jewish Museum, NY. See curvilinear, Jewish art, movement, sculpture, and wood.



see thumbnail to rightStanislaw Ignacy (Witkacy) Witkiewicz (Polish, 1885-1939), Pocalunek mongolskiego ksiecia na lodowej pustyni, 1915-18, Polish National Museum, Warsaw. See Expressionism.




see thumbnail to leftStanislaw Ignacy (Witkacy) Witkiewicz (Polish, 1885-1939), Self-Portrait, 1927, pastel on paper, 65.0 x 49.0 cm, Museum of Central Pomerania, Slupsk, Poland. See self-portrait.




see thumbnail to rightStanislaw Ignacy (Witkacy) Witkiewicz, Portrait of Edwardy Szmuglarowskiej, 1930, pastel on paper, 65.0 x 48.0 cm, Museum of Central Pomerania, Slupsk, Poland. He is known to have experimented with the drug peyote in 1928. See portrait.




see thumbnail to leftStanislaw Ignacy (Witkacy) Witkiewicz, Portrait of Zofii Jagodowskiej, 1930, pastel on paper, 50.0 x 65.0 cm, Museum of Central Pomerania, Slupsk, Poland.




see thumbnail to rightStanislaw Ignacy (Witkacy) Witkiewicz, Portrait of Heleny Bialynickiej-Biruli, 1930, pastel on paper, 66.0 x 49.0 cm, Museum of Central Pomerania, Slupsk, Poland.



Zygmunt Waliszewski (Polish, 1897-1936)





see thumbnail to leftTamara de Lempicka (born in Poland; from the age of 20, active in Paris and America; 1898-1980), Self-Portrait in the Green Bugatti, 1925, oil on wood panel, private collection. See Art Deco.



see thumbnail to rightTamara de Lempicka, Spring, 1928, oil on wood panel, private collection.



see thumbnail to leftTamara de Lempicka, Adam and Eve, c. 1932, oil, Petit Palais, Geneva, Switzerland. See Tamara de Lempicka's studio, c. 1931.


see thumbnail to rightTamara de Lempicka, Sleeping Woman, 1935, oil on canvas, private collection.



see thumbnail to leftTamara de Lempicka, Calla Lilies, 1941, oil, private collection, CA. See curvilinear.




see thumbnail to rightMagdalena Abakanowicz (Polish, 1930-), Two Figures on a Beam, 1992, burlap, resin and wood, Milwaukee Art Museum, WI. See feminist art.





see thumbnail to leftKrzysztof Wodiczko (American, born Poland,  1943-), The Tijuana Projection, 2001, public projection at the Centro Cultural de Tijuana, Mexico (as part of In-Site 2000). Krzysztof Wodiczko creates large-scale slide and video projections of politically-charged images on architectural façades and monuments worldwide. By appropriating public buildings and monuments as backdrops for projections, Wodiczko focuses attention on ways in which architecture and monuments reflect collective memory and history.



see thumbnail to rightMarek Cecula (American, born Poland, 1944-), Shard, 1998, authentic porcelain shard, plaster, wood, glass, 14 x 14 x 2.5 inches, Grand Arts, Kansas City, MO. Roberta Lord, of Grand Arts wrote, "In 1979, visiting his Polish homeland for the first time in 25 years, Marek Cecula was strolling with his sister along a Baltic beach when he spotted a small white object half-buried in the sand. He picked it up and saw that it was a piece of a ceramic plate bearing the factory's back stamp, or 'maker's mark.' The mark in this case was a swastika. Cecula, a self-exiled Polish Jew who has made ceramics his life's work, and whose father was interned in Dachau, held in his hand the identifying fragment of a piece of dinnerware manufactured for the Nazi party. For his 2000 exhibition Violations, he formed a white plaster 'ghost plate' around the stamped piece and mounted it in a plain birch box with a glass face." See hallmark, Polish art, and shadow box.





Related Links:



Also see architecture, arms & armor, costume, Dada, degenerate, design, drawing, Dutch art, engraving, etching, expressionism, Expressionism, fascist aesthetic, flags of Europe, French art, furniture, genre, German art, Gothic, history painting, Hungarian art, illumination, Impressionism, jewelry, landscape, lithography, Madonna, marble, Middle Ages, monument, museum, mythology, narrative art, Neoclassicism, Northern Renaissance, nude, pastel, photography, porcelain, portrait, propaganda, Romanticism, Russian art, sculpture, seascape, self-portrait, stained glass, still life, Surrealism, Swiss art, tapestry, tchotchke (czaczko), textile, watercolor, and woodcut, among many other articles.Polish art Polish art


Kolekcja = collection

kredka = chalk, crayon

wegiel = charcoal



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ArtPage Art Dictionary
