Pinnacle High School's

Graphic Design Course

First Semester

Mr. Michael Delahunt




  1. Design a Poster Promoting a Activity in "Road Trip Across America"
    Due Wednesday, Oct 24
  2. Absence of Ugliness: a writing assignment
    Not due until you have been able to access the necessary web page
  3. Alter a Photo of a Family Member
    Due November 6th, 16th, 27th
  4. Find a "PhotoShop Trick" Assignment
    Due October 26th and October 31st
  5. Make a collection of 50 logos
    Due November 6th
  6. Design Three Logos
    Due November 30

  7. Design Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . .Due Wednesday, December 12th

  8. Final Assignment: First Semester Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . .Due Thursday, December 20th



Graphic Design

This course introduces you to art intended to communicate information and advertising. The focus is on studying and using layout and design concepts used in the graphic design field. You will employ both analog media (drawing with pencil and paper, etc.) and digital media -- using up-to-date computer tools (graphics hardware and software - for drawing, painting, layout, typography, scanning, and photography).

Graphic design is the creative planning and execution of visual communication. Graphic designers create a combination of shapes and forms, words and images, in order to reproduce them in some flat medium (paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic, video, computer, or projection screen, on poster, billboard, or other signage) or in a three-dimensional form (fabricated or manufactured) in order to convey information to a targeted audience. All graphic design has a purpose or function. Usually its purpose is to sell or explain something -- to express, inform, and influence the thoughts and actions of its audience.

Our primary objective will be the achievement of all Arizona Academic Standards, with greatest emphasis on those in the Visual Arts:

1 Creating Art: Students know and apply the arts, disciplines, techniques and processes to communicate in original or interpretive work.
2 Art in Context: Students demonstrate how elements of time and place influence the visual characteristics, content, purpose and message of works of art.
3 Art as Inquiry: Students demonstrate how the arts reveal universal concepts and themes. Students reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

Students will maintain good studio organization and use of tools as expected by the teacher. Students will maintain facilities in an appropriate working condition.


The Arizona Dept. of Education has said that our Paradise Valley Unified School District's visual art curriculum is among the best in the state.


I frankly don't put much store in the notion of talent. I'm convinced that every student simply needs the best opportunities I can devise for him and her to excel. So my goal is to design my lessons in such a way that all or nearly all students succeed at challenges which are satisfying and meaningful to each. I assess each student's work on the degree to which each achieves the objectives of their assignments. Please contact me if you have any special interests in or concerns about the art program.

ArtPage has thousands of articles about art terms used in art production, art criticism, art history, aesthetics, and art education. I created ArtPage for my students, to help them increase their understanding of art concepts, readings, writings, and conversations. Some of the hyperlinks found on the pages about my elementary art program will take you to ArtPage articles about terms on these pages.


I taught art at three elementary schools in the Paradise Valley Unified School district (northeastern Phoenix and north Scottsdale) from 1986-2001. I began publishing information about my classes on the Web in 1995. I began teaching at Pinnacle High School in the fall of 2001, and will be posting information for and about those classes as time permits.



Please send your comments to

Copyright © 1996-2001 Michael Delahunt, M.F.A.

This page ( URL ) was last modified on October 22, 2001