Mr. Michael Delahunt

Graphic Design 1 & 2

Design a Poster Promoting

One of the Activities for "Spirit Week"


Before you begin designing a poster, take a look at an article about the history of posters.

Choose one of the activities for Pinnacle's "Road Trip Across America" this week, and create a poster to advertise it.

This is due at the end of the class tomorrow. Save it to a folder you create on the desktop of your computer. Print two copies tomorrow, posting one copy somewhere on campus, and hand it in the other by the end of class Wednesday, October 24. One fifth of the points you can earn are for turning it in by this deadline.



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ArtPage has thousands of articles about art terms used in art production, art criticism, art history, aesthetics, and art education. I created ArtPage for my students, to help them increase their understanding of art concepts, readings, writings, and conversations. Some of the hyperlinks found on the pages about my elementary art program will take you to ArtPage articles about terms on these pages.


I have taught art at three elementary schools in the Paradise Valley Unified School district (northeastern Phoenix and north Scottsdale) from 1986-. I began publishing information about my classes on the Web in 1995. I taught at Pinnacle High School during the 2001-2002 school year, and posted these lessons that year. I will maintain them as time permits.



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Copyright © 2001 -Michael Delahunt, M.F.A.