ArtPage Art Dictionary




EExamples of sculptures made by artists born before 1350:



see thumbnail to rightGreece, Cyclades, about 2500 BCE, Male Harp Player, marble, 14.1 x 3.7 x 11 inches (35.8 x 9.5 x 28 cm), J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA. See Cycladic art.



Mexico, Olmec, Tabasco(?), Middle Preclassic period, about 900-300 BCE, Crouching Figure of Man-Jaguar, serpentine with traces of cinnabar, height 4 1/4 inches (10.8 cm), Los Angeles County Museum of Art.



Laocoön and his Sons, Roman copy of a Hellenistic original from c. 200 BCE, marble, height 1.84 m, Vatican. Trojan priest Laocoön and his two sons are attacked at an altar by giant serpents. Pliny said it was the work of three sculptors from the Greek island of Rhodes: Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athenodoros. The date of the Laocoön is controversial, some scholars arguing for the late second century BC, others for c. 50 B.C.





see thumbnail to leftOlmec culture (Mexico, Tabasco(?), Middle Preclassic period, about 900-300 BCE), Transformation Figure, serpentine with traces of cinnabar, height 4 1/4 inches (10.8 cm), Los Angeles County Museum of Art. This figure is apparently part man and part jaguar. See Mesoamerican art and Pre-Columbian.



see thumbnail to rightRoman, after the School of Polykleitos, c. CE 125, Statue of the Lansdowne Herakles (Hercules), marble, height 76 3/16 inches (193.5 cm), J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA.



Cambodia, Phnom Da, Krishna Govardhana, gray limestone, height 118.8 cm, pre-Angkorean period, CE 500-550, Cleveland Museum of Art.



India (eleventh century, Chola period), Ganesha, bronze, Cleveland Museum of Art.


Later examples of sculpture:


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ArtPage Art Dictionary