ArtPage Art Dictionary


aadvertising - Efforts to promote public interest in a product or business, as by paid announcements in periodicals, on packages, radio, television, signs, direct-mail, World Wide Web (WWW) sites, etc. And, the business of designing and producing advertisements. Also, advertisements, whether individually (one example is the "banner ad" above) or as a group.

Visual artists who design advertising materials are typically known as graphic designers.



Aleksandr M. Rodchenko (Russian), Red Star Cigarettes Ad, 1923, gouache maquette, 9 x 18 inches.



see thumbnail to leftAmerican, Become a Draftsman, Enjoy a Real Job in Industry, advertisement for a correspondence course, October 1937, Modern Mechanix magazine. See draftsman.




American, Scot Tissue Ad, "Ask your doctor what he thinks about standards of cleanliness," 1939.








American, Paramount Pictures, a character portrayed by actor John Travolta holds a bottle of Lone Star Beer in Urban Cowboy, 1980, motion picture. This form of advertising is "product placement": an image or mention of a product or trademark is embedded in entertainment media, such as within a scene in a movie, television show or video game. See costume and theater.



keye/donna/pearlstein, agency; Pytka, production company, This is your brain on drugs, TV commercial, 1986.



American, Apple Computers "Think different" advertising campaign, 1980s.
Images of fourteen posters Apple distributed as part of that campaign: Mohammed Ali 1 and 2, Neil Armstrong on the Moon, Joan Baez, Maria Calas, Dalai Lama, Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Jim Hensen, Alfred Hitchcock, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and see thumbnail to rightPablo Picasso. See poster.





American, Absolut advertisement, Central park as vodka bottle, 1989.




Chiat/Day/Mojo, agency; Coppos Films, production company, Eveready Energizer "Still going" pink bunny TV commercial, 1989.




Cover of MacWarehouse catalogue, computer ads, c. 1999.



American, Apple iPod, 2004. A poster, and a still from an iPod TV commercial showing a grid of posters for Apple's MP3 player on an exterior wall.


A parody that replaces the silhouette of the iPod user with one of the hooded torture victims of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. It substitutes the original text "iPod" wirh "iRaq." This political / human-rights protest poster was placed in a New York City subway station in June, 2004. This poster can be downloaded from







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Also see advertisement, broadside, design, ephemera, graphics, graphic artist, graphic arts, graphic design, graphic designer, icon, interdisciplinary, logo, mass media, memorabilia, packaging, paint-by-number, poster, propaganda, subliminal message or subliminal advertising, text, video, and visual culture.




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