Where are the Flinders Ranges?

Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges

Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges

The Flinders Ranges are located in the state of South Australia, approximately 430km north of Adelaide. I’ve been fortunate to travel in the region on two occassions and found it the most beautiful and peaceful of destinations. It’s world renowned for its geological history and impressive fossil remains. Its main attraction is Wilpena Pound, a natural amphitheatre that was used by early pastoralists. Its an easy walk, following the Wilpena Creek from the camp ground into the Pound itself where you can visit the historic homestead of the early settlers.

The area invites visitors from all over the world and now caters to this, having all accommodation types from a 5 star hotel, to unpowered camp sites. Some stay a night or two and see what that can whilst on an organised tour, and others stay much longer, allowing time to walk/hike the many trails. There are trails leading to aboriginal painting sites, scenic lookouts and picturesque dry river beds. Four wheel driving is also very popular and imperative if you want to go off the sealed roads and be more adventurous.

You will be delighted by the wildlife here. During my trip in 2008, I saw scores of kangaroos, wallabies, emus, wedgetail eagles, parrots and a shingleback lizard.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of the Flinders Ranges

One Great Reason to Visit

One great reason to visit the Flinders Ranges is the sheer beauty of the isolated ranges rich in colour and texture.

Flinders Ranges, South Australia

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Flinders Ranges – Official Site
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    4 Responses to “FLINDERS RANGES, Australia: Inspiring Landscapes and Natural Wonders”
    1. This blog post came at a really good time. I was just reading in the latest issue of Great Walks magazine about a walk in this area, Chambers gorge. The pictures just look magnificent.

      Also the trail I want to do finishes around this area – the 1000km Heysen trail. Its made me want to train and save harder so I can acheive my goal of walking this track within 2 years.

      Thanks for your fabulous blog xx

      – Jade

    2. Good for you Jade and thanks for taking the time to share this goal with us. The Flinders Ranges offers numerous marvellous walks and strenuous hikes. The times I have been there, it’s been a hive of activity with walkers, mountain bike riders and international tourists. It really has so much to offer, everyone! I hope you achieve your goal for you will just love it.

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