Where is Kakadu?

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu is a World Heritage National Park located in the north eastern region of the Northern Territory. Kakadu is one of Austalia’s most prized ecological and cultural treasures. There are a number of locations where evidence of Dreamtime legends and day-to-day living can be viewed. In particular at Ubirr and Nourlangie Rock. Beautiful and extensive aboriginal paintings can be seen. The area beside Kakadu is known as Arnhem Land and special permits must be purchased if you wish to enter the large Aborginal Reserve.

Kakadu is largely flood plains, a result of the tropical rains. The water lily covered billabongs are a stunning sight and a boat trip at Yellow Waters is a must. Here you will experience the vastness of the flood plains, water lillies, crocodiles (by the scores!), birds such as the Jabiru, Heron, Magpie Geese, White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Whistling Kite and numerous others.

The tropical rains also create magnificent water falls. Unfortunately, the time of year I was there during 2000, access to all the falls were still closed. A must see inclides Jim-Jim Falls, Twin Falls and Gunlom.

A beautifully presented hardcover book ‘Kakadu: The Making of a National Park’ by David Lawrence



TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Kakadu

One Great Reason to Visit Kakadu

One great reason to visit Kakadu is for its sheer natural, wilderness wonder. An abundance of fauna and flora that just can’t be experienced any where else in the world.

Kakadu National Park

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Kakadu – Official Site
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