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There are several people who assisted in critiquing various drafts of ArtPage. Thanks to

  • Robert Belton, Okanagan University College, British Columbia, Canada
  • Brian Foster
  • Jerry Guillot, Isidore Newman School
  • Sandra Hildreth, Madrid-Waddington Central School, Madrid, NY, and St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
  • Alison Kukla, Ideahouse, Phoenix, AZ
  • R. Snyder, University of Maryland
  • France Verreault, École des Arts Visuels, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
  • Kathrine Walker, Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University
  • I look forward to adding the names of those who contibute ideas and information to ArtPage's further growth. -- Michael Delahunt


    ArtPage is able to display many thumbnail images of artworks only because both copyright law and the Web permit any Web site to exhibit graphics found on other sites-- usually the sites of those who own those images-- by linking to their URLs. ArtPage is grateful to all who are sharing photos of works in their collections.

    Also, more about ArtPage:



    ArtPage Art Dictionary