ArtPage Art Dictionary



The Arts -- Heart of Education


aadvocacy or arts advocacy - Advocacy is the act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, an idea, or a policy. Active support. This term is often used to refer to efforts to support specific art disciplines, or organizations, etc., as well as frameworkof support for the arts in general.


The benefits associated with participation in the arts are both intrinsic (valuable in themselves) and instrumental (in promoting achievements in other disciplines, social and economic spheres), and that they are valuable in both private and public ways. See the Framework for Understanding the Benefits of the Arts from McCarthy's (2005) Gifts of the Muse, a RAND Corporation study funded by the Wallace Foundation.


Arts education talking points:

1. The arts are central to life long learning.

2. A comprehensive, sequential arts education is essential for all students.

3. The arts should be integrated into the curriculum and taught as independent disciplines.

4. Arts education prepares students for the workplace.

5. Arts education prepares students for college.


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Also see advertising, achievement, artists' organizations, College Art Association (CAA), communication, effort, iconoduly, multiple intelligence theory, National Art Education Association (NAEA), National Association of Artists' Organizations (NAAO), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), praise, propaganda, research, and Youth Art Month (YAM).






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