Where is Waterton Lakes National Park?

Waterton Lakes National Park

Waterton Lakes National Park

Waterton Lakes National Park is located in the beautiful Province of Alberta, Canada and lies adjacent to the great ‘Glacier National Park’ in Montana, USA. During 1932 they combined to form the world’s first International Peace Park and became a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Waterton Lakes National Park offers a range of environmental features, including lakes, mountains, waterfalls, prairies and lying beside the Upper Waterton Lake, in the heart if the National Park, is the small Waterton Village.

The most well known landmark in the area is the Prince of Wales Hotel. Built in 1927, it is one of the largest all-timber buildings in Alberta. It has managed to survived wind and fire to become a well known landmark by photographs throughout the world.

A great way to experience the region is on horseback or mountain bike and ride over the rolling hills and pastures, to take in the views of the Rocky Mountains and surrounding lakes.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Waterton Lakes National Park

One Great Reason to Visit Waterton Lakes National Park

One great reason to visit Waterton Lakes National Park is to enjoy the vista’s of the Rocky Mountains.

Waterton Lakes National Park

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Waterton Lakes National Park – Official Site
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