Where are the Villa Borghese Gardens?

Villa Borghese Gardens in Rome, ItalyThe Villa Borghese is made up of 148 acres of landscaped gardens and building housing some of Rome’s most famous artworks including the Galleria Borghese. It is the second largest public park in Rome and on weekends and public holidays it fills with both locals and visitors who come to enjoy its tranquil environment.

The history dates back to 1605 when work began to convert the vineyard by Cardinal Scipione Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V and patron of Bernini, into the most extensive gardens built in Rome. Further development of the garden took place during the early nineteenth century.

Highlights of the park other than the galleria include a large lake which is home to both swans, ducks and geese and is dedicated to Aesculapius. Boat hire is available here and you can row by the Temple of Esculapius. You can also visit the Piazza di Siena, an international equestrian site which was also the home to the 1960 Rome Olympic Equestrian games.

Gardens of Italy [Hardcover] – by Ann Laras


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of the Villa Borghese Gardens

One Great Reason to Visit the Villa Borghese Gardens

One great reason to visit this travel destination is for the peaceful setting which contrasts so well against the chaos of central Rome.

Villa Borghese Gardens

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