Where is Vail?

Vail, Colorado, USA

Vail, Colorado, USA

Vail is located at the base of the famous Vail Ski Resort, in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Vail is most famous for having the second largest single ski mountain in North America. During the winter ski season the town is a hub of activity with the population nearly doubling.

With world renowned skiing, a diverse range of shops, restaurants, luxurious accommodation and the breath taking mountain and valley views, Vail is considered one of the finest ski resorts and travel destinations in the world.

Vail is also very popular during the summer months and allows the opportunity for some wonderful bushwalking and cycling.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Vail

One Great Reason to Visit Vail

One great reason to visit Vail is definitely for the ultimate ski resort experience. Although, it is considered pricey and attracts the rich and famous!

Vail – Like Nothing On Earth

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Vail – Official Site
  • Related Posts with Thumbnails
    4 Responses to “VAIL, Colorado, U.S.A.: Snow Skiing and Bush Walking”
    1. […] Recent Twitter Updates VAIL, Colorado, U.S.A.: Snow Skiing and Bush Walking » 24 06 […]

    2. I would love to snowboard in Vail. 7 Bowls wow! I take it this is their PR video?

    3. […] Vail, Colorado […]

    4. […] Vail, Colorado, U.S.A […]

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