Hotel Sis Pins, Mallorca, SpainIf you are planning a holiday to Mallorca, there are a number of things that you can do to make your holiday special without breaking the bank. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed and saving money is certainly enjoyable these days. If you are headed to Mallorca and want to save money on your trip, here are a few things that you should keep in mind:

1. Book your trip well ahead. By booking ahead, you can take advantage of many savings opportunities. Most airlines and hotels offer substantial discounts for those who book their reservations at least six weeks ahead of schedule. While you could always wait until the last minute and hope that you snag a deal, it simply makes better sense to book as far ahead as possible and know without a doubt that you are saving money.

2. Travel during off peak seasons when possible. Most tourist destinations are a bit more expensive to visit during their peak seasons. Summer is normally when people take holiday with the family so if you have the option of travelling in the spring or fall, you can still enjoy the beautiful Mallorca weather and enjoy a bit more cash in your pocket as well.

3. Always avoid travelling on the weekends if possible. Mallorca is a popular holiday destination and most visitors travel on Saturday and Sunday. If you can, book your flight on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Not only will you save money on your flight, you will avoid the rush of incoming visitors as well.

4. While in Mallorca, check out free attractions. There are a number of sights that you can see without having to pay a dime. Natural beauty is everywhere in Mallorca and the only thing it will cost you is transportation fare. Depending on where you are staying, you may even be able to walk to many sights and avoid the cost of transportation altogether. Do a bit of research before you leave to see what sights are close to your hotel. Take in these sights and spend a day or so simply walking around and looking at the area.

5. Finally, pack lightly. Most airlines charge additional fees for additional luggage. If you do not need to pack five or six suitcases, then don’t. If you are staying for a week or so, find out what laundry facilities are located on or close to your hotel. Washing your clothing is going to be cheap compared to paying the fare for additional luggage.

This article was written by Hotel Sis Pins, one of the most charming hotels Pollensa offers.

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