Where is Tikal?

Tikal National Park

Tikal National Park

The remnants of the fascinating Mayan civilisation can be marvelled at Tikal National Park, a UNESCO listed site since 1979. Tikal, meaning ‘place of voices’ is now a National Park and located in the northern region of Guatemala and not too far from the border with Belize.

Tikal was the capital of the ancient Mayan civilisation. It is believe that it would not have been its original name but infact the name given shortly after its modern day discovery during the 1840s. Population estimates place the demographic size of the site between 100,000 and 200,000.

The National Park is not only home to archaeological wonders of temples and ruins but also the home to monkeys, parrots, deer, toucans, macaws, ocelots and the rare jaguar.

A highly recommended book by Dr Peter D. Harrison – The Lords of Tikal: Rulers of an Ancient Maya City


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Tikal

One Great Reason to Visit Tikal

One great reason to visit Tikal is for the spectacular Mayan ruins; remnants of a grand civilisation.

Tikal, Guatemala – The Mayas One of The Most Spectacular Civilizations

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Guatemala – Official Tourism Site
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