Haunting soundtrack from ‘The Piano’

Michael Nyman is an English composer but I know him mostly for the moving sound track created for ‘The Piano’ back in 1993. I never tire of watching the movie for its cinematography and the way it captures the harsh New Zealand landscapes. If you don’t know this film or yet to hear the soundtrack, take a listen and be prepared for a visual and audio feast!

The Piano: Original Music From The Film By Jane Campion

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Official Site

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    2 Responses to “THE SACRIFICE by Michael Nyman, England”
    1. Love the soundtrack to this movie! I wrote a small piece last year about Karekare Beach where it was filmed for Velvet Escape:


    2. I remember that post you did for Keith. Did you have the Piano soundtrack playing to inspire you even more to write the post and set the scene? 😉

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