Are you interested in experiencing something truly amazing next summer?

When most people go on holiday they usually end up doing the same boring thing year after year, which involves visiting a traditional tourist destination and spending their time sitting around a swimming pool all day.

You don’t have to keep repeating the same process on a constant basis because there are a whole world of opportunities ready for you to explore.

Sailing Around The Croatian Islands

Sailing around the beautiful Croatian islands has become a lot more popular in recent years and it’s showing no sign of declining.

Part of the reason is because people want to experience it again, but they also get the word out and it attracts a new crowd hoping to relish in the delights each island has to offer.

Sailing from island to island offers so much because each of the islands contains its own special qualities. We’re going to look into the top 5 islands you’ll experience and we will talk about what makes each one stand out.


Brac is known for its great food and along with traditional Dalmatian dishes they also have a lot of unique culinary dishes you won’t find anywhere else. It’s a food lover’s paradise and after eating in a few restaurants you won’t want to leave.

One dish in particular that is always appreciated is the Brac lamb. The reason it tastes so good is because the lambs haven’t yet had a chance to taste grass. They are served up after only being fed by their mother’s milk and if you look into this it dates back to ancient times.

Brac, Croatia


The island of Hvar is rich in history dating back thousands of years. As you’re exploring you can’t afford to miss visiting the Stari Grad plain. It’s a land division so well-preserved it’s been made a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the olden days there were violent clashes breaking out all over the place, so you’ll get to see the walls and fortifications the local inhabitants built as a defense system to keep them safe from the dangerous uprisings that were occurring during the 16th century.

Hvar, Croatia


The natural environment on Losinj is only something you can appreciate when you see it with your own eyes. It boasts thick pine forests that have been around for centuries. If you want to do something a little more exerting you can follow the walking trails while trying to see how many of the 1200 plant species you can spot.

The air quality will refresh your lungs and the waters surrounding the island are extremely clean. They’re trying their hardest to protect anything from compromising the delightful natural resources you’ll get to encounter on your trip.

Losinj, Croatia


You can’t go on holiday without relaxing over a few drinks at night. Mljet might be the perfect place to do it because the wine from the local vineyards tastes great. Even if you’re a wine connoisseur you won’t leave disappointed.

It’s said the island still probably looks the same as it did when Odysseus arrived on the shores thousands of years ago, so as well as drinking the wine you’ll want to make sure you take a stroll through some of the many vineyards scattered around.

Mljet, Croatia


A holiday is never complete without a trip to the beach and you won’t need to go far to find a luscious beach you’ll have all to yourself. It’s the best place to go swimming as the sea surrounding the island is as clean as can be.

Sandy coves are scattered all over the place, but if you don’t just want to lie down to catch a tan you can visit some of the rocky and pebble beaches too. There is even a nudist beach on the island for those interested in something wilder.

Rab, Croatia

You Won’t Regret Your Trip!

Try to find someone who didn’t enjoy sailing around the Croatian islands and you’ll be looking for a while. If you do decide to try something out of the ordinary you’ll treasure your memories forever.

Right now is the best time to go because the islands are going to get even busier in the future and it’s always better to stay ahead of the curve. There is also plenty more to see, but I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the main features each island has to offer.

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