Posts Tagged “Volcanoes”

Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands; it has an area of roughly two thousand kilometers and about nine hundred thousand inhabitants, making it Spain’s most populous island. It’s also a renowned tourist destination, with millions of tourists visiting each year; people love its beaches, attractions and natural beauties.

Most of Tenerife’s accommodation is located in the south. Resorts like Costa Adeye, Los Cristianos and Playa de las Americas host the large majority of those who visit. Each of the resorts has a somewhat different reputation: Los Cristianos is for those who prefer a quiet holiday, mostly older visitors. Playa de la Americas, on the other hand, is the center of Tenerife nightlife; the party never ends in its numerous night clubs and beach bars. Costa Adeye is a new resort, known for artificial beaches, luxurious hotels and prestige restaurants.


Tenerife also hosts the second largest festival in the world, the Carnival of Santa Cruz. That’s when the streets of Santa Cruz, the island’s capital, brim with people dancing and partying all day and night until Ash Wednesday, when the ritual of the “burial of the sardine” marks the end of the festival. But the partying starts all over again next weekend, known as the weekend of the piñata.

There are also many natural attractions. A visit to the highest mountain in Spain, the majestic Mount Teide is a must; take the cable car and enjoy the panoramic view of the island. Teide is actually an active volcano; the last eruption happened in 1909. Its lava flows produced the mineral-rich soils which support a great number of plant species; 33 of them endemic. The volcano’s unique environmental conditions and geological features earned it the status of a National Park and it was named an UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the towns in the vicinity of Teide is Garachico, a tourist favorite, known for its beautiful plaza and lava-hewn rock pools.


Many come to Tenerife for its hiking possibilities; Macizo de Anaga, a mountain range in the northeast of the island, is the most popular hiking destination. Its humid laurel forests and archeological sites made it a source of many local legends. The clear and warm waters around the island are suitable for diving; places like Las Galletas and Puerto de la Cruz will amaze you with their underwater volcanic column and the richness and diversity of underwater life. Almost thirty species of whales and dolphins often feed in these waters and sightseeing tours are frequent, especially from Los Cristianos and Los Gigantes.


The peak of the tourist season in Tenerife is from mid-January to Easter, although, due to the island’s subtropical climate, the island is worthy of a visit the entire year; some rain is possible during March and November, but only in the island’s northeast. One thing is certain; whatever your preferences on how you want to spend your holiday, Tenerife has it all – interesting events, plenty of exciting urban centers, cultural landmarks, the warm sea and unique natural attractions – what more can you possibly ask for?

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Where is Reunion Island?

Reunion Island in the Indian OceanReunion Island is a French colony in the Indian Ocean. It lies roughly between Madagascar and Mauritius, off the east coast of Africa. It has a population of approximately 800,000.

Reunion Island has one of the world’s most active volcanoes. It’s also home to the highest mountain in the Indian Ocean, lush subtropical rainforests and pristine beaches. Reunion Island is the perfect holiday and travel destination.

The centre of Reunion is dominated by three cirques, or natural amphitheatres, which were previously the craters of volcanoes but long since dormant. These jagged outcrops and waterfalls found amongst them, make for some spectacular scenery.

The Pitons, cirques and remparts of Reunion Island were declared an UNESCO World Heritage site during 2010.

Lonely Planet Mauritius Reunion & Seychelles


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Reunion Island

One Great Reason to Visit Reunion Island

One great reason to visit this travel destination is for no ‘one’ reason! There are far too many contrasts and something for everyone – here on Reunion Island.

Reunion Island

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Where is Eyjafjallajokull Volcano?

Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, Iceland

Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, Iceland’s sleeping volcano, burst into life for the first time in 190 years on the 20 March and again, on the 14 April. This post is not about Eyjafjallajokull Volcano being a dream, travel destination but more about how it has affected all of Europe and those with travel plans.

The huge ash plumes being generated from this natural occurrence have air travel to and from Europe on hold, and no end is in sight! This is resulting in travel chaos for both air travellers having to resort to land travel and competing with the already busy land services of rail, bus and ferry. It has been reported that many are even resorting to extensive trips via taxi’s just to reach their desired destination. The financial implication to the grounded air services will not be know for some time but of course, it will filter down the system and many other businesses will also be greatly affected.

There is now speculation from scientists, saying history has shown when Eyjafjallajokull erupts, the much bigger, nearby Katla volcano often follows within days or months. More can be READ HERE


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano

The Figures

Flights – 24,000 cancelled
Cost – $1 billion plus
Major airports closed – 40
Travellers affected – 5 million
Extent of ash plume – 5,000 km
Height of plume – 7 km
History – The volcano last erupted from Dec 1821 to Jan 1823.

Eyjafjallajökull Volcano Time Lapse

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • NASA Satellite Images of March/April 2010 Eruptions
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