Posts Tagged “Travel”

Travel insurance tips for seniorsWorking out which travel insurance is right for you can be a challenge, and when it comes to seniors travel insurance it gets even more complicated.

Older Australians are travelling more than ever before, but they have several extras to consider, with insurers setting different criteria depending on your age and pre-existing medical conditions.

If you are over a certain age, some travel insurance policies may only cover you for a particular length of time overseas – such as three months – so it’s a good idea to check the fine print.

It’s very important for seniors to compare travel insurance policies – especially those aged over 75 who don’t require any medication.

Travel insurance tips

NRMA Travel Insurance spokesman Maureen Mullins says seniors should buy travel insurance at the same time they book their trip so you are covered from day dot if you need to cancel.

Also be upfront about existing medical conditions.

“There are many conditions that are automatically included and some that need to be assessed,” she says.

Cruising is one of the most popular forms of travel for older Australians, but most on-board medical services are not covered by Medicare, so you will need travel insurance even if you are only cruising in Australian waters.

Ms Mullins also says you should leave a copy of your travel documents and itinerary with a friend or relative in Australia, and also keep a copy of your policy emergency numbers and travel documents with you.

It’s a good idea to visit your GP to discuss your travel plans before you book, and again for a general check-up before you leave to make sure regular vaccinations, such as the flu shot and tetanus, are up to date.

If you are taking medication with you, get a list from your doctor saying their generic names, dosages and how often you take them. Get a couple of copies and keep one separate from your main luggage.

Read your Product Disclosure Statement

The Insurance Council of Australia’s financial literacy program Understand Insurance says it’s important to compare products and features between companies, not just price.

“Most travel insurance policies have age limits or restrictions, but several travel insurers offer policies specially designed for retirees or senior travellers,” a spokesman says.

Make sure you let your insurer know if your health circumstances change before you head off on your holiday.

In certain countries, including the US, Japan and throughout Europe, it’s important to have unlimited hospital and medical cover.

It’s essential to read your Product Disclosure Statement and check you are covered for full medical evacuation in case you have to be flown home in an emergency.

Australia has reciprocal healthcare agreements for seniors with some countries, including the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Republic of Ireland, which means emergency care is available.

But you still need to get travel insurance. It’s also a good idea to check with Medicare for the latest information on countries participating in reciprocal healthcare agreements

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Keith Jenkins AKA @velvetescape was one of my earliest connections on Twitter. He talked #travel, I talked #dream #travel and so the conversation started! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching Keith’s blog grow from strength to strength and the fabulous opportunities it brings him. Jealous much! :)

Background: Keith Jenkins is the Founder and Publisher of the Velvet Escape luxury travel blog. Based in Amsterdam, Keith left his ten-year investment banking career to travel the world and carve out a new career as a travel blogger and social media advocate.

Back in 2012 Keith delivered this TEDx Talk: Passion, Empowerment, Social Media. Enjoy!

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This is the most precious video and too good not to share. It’s heart warming and full of joy when these two elderly ladies experience flying for the first time. One, more eager than the other but due to whatever reason, had never had the opportunity. The other, just plain nervous! Watch, and smile.

It made me wonder how many people in the world never get to experience flying either because they are so remote, too poor and really their main focus in life is just surviving. We take it for granted. I couldn’t tell you how many flights I’ve now done over the years but I will tell you, I still hate landings. 😉

Do you recall your first flight? Where did you go?

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You’ve scrimped and saved, and finally got enough money in the bank to pay for that dream holiday. When you’ve worked towards your getaway you don’t want to waste it, and for most holidaymakers, the best way to get the most out of their travels is to create an itinerary.

What’s the secret to creating a great travel itinerary? One that’ll guarantee an enjoyable holiday for all?

We’ve got some travel tips to help you plan the perfect trip every time.

Travel Plans

Making plans by Tamas

Get tech savvy

Modern holidaymakers have it so lucky. Mobile apps, websites, social networking, Google Maps, review sites – all have made holiday planning a whole lot easier. Embrace the new technology and check out apps like Itinerary for iPhone that lets you plot routes on maps and add notes, and sites like TripIt where you can use professional looking templates to create the most complex of itineraries and share them easily with family and friends.

Blog it

There are loads of online blogs out there that are packed with just the kind of info you crave when you’re trying to plan your perfect holiday. Check out travel blogs like the one over at Choice Hotels. By following blogs like these you’ll find instant travel guides to a range of destinations, as well as info on the nearest accommodation to attractions you might want to see, and you could even bag yourself a discount rate into the bargain. Wherever you’re headed, search for blogs by people who live in the area and you’ll find up-to-date info about everything from what’s on to where to eat, where to shop to what the latest political news is there.

Be realistic

We know you want to milk your holiday for all it’s worth, but it pays to be realistic in the planning stages. After a long haul flight, and an eight hour time difference, are you really going to want to hike up a mountain, then visit some sea caves, a cathedral, archeological museum and go to the theatre? Make exceptions for times when you know you’re going to be tired, and remember – a holiday is supposed to be relaxing.

Get the timing right

When you’re trying to create a realistic itinerary, getting the timings right – for plane travel, car journeys, or journeys on foot – is key. Try to find existing guides online or travel messageboards like Independent Traveler where you can find out from those in the know just how long the drive from A to Z is really going to take.

Planning a Travel Itinerary

Travel itinerary by Dan Barbus


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