Posts Tagged “Solo Female Traveller”

One of the best bits of advice I could give anyone is to travel while you’re young. You have your youth and your health on your side. Trust me, once you get bogged down with a career, mortgage and family commitments, it is so much harder to do the budget, backpacker thing for any length of time. My twenty year old daughter is just about to complete her tourism studies and has plans to don the backpack and head off. We’re in full support of this knowing it will probably be the only opportunity to experience the true freedom of backpacker travel.

Travel when you're young

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Travelling around Australia Solo

solo travel australiaHeading Down Under on your own? Australia is one of the easiest countries to navigate solo – with plenty of accommodation and activities that make it easy to make new friends – or just enjoy your own company. Meanwhile, if your day-to-day routine has got you wound up, it might be the perfect time for a solo getaway to recharge those waning batteries.

There’s plenty to be said about the solo adventure – here are some ways to really make the most of your trip:

  • Indulge – travelling by yourself doesn’t have to have to be about staying in hostels and dorms. If you have the budget to spend, there’s much to be said about splurging on your own hotel room. It doesn’t have to be a five star luxury – even the modest double bed can feel like decadence.
  • Be spontaneous – on your own, you have no obligation to communicate decisions and itineraries – you’re free to go on a whim. Make the most of those occasions when something takes your fancy and you can do that “about face” in the middle of the street.
  • Be open-minded – one of the best things about travelling alone is seeing the world unfiltered, without the influences of a travel mate. We spend so much of our time within our circles that we may be conditioned to think and believe a certain way. Solo travel offers greater independence and the chance to learn more about yourself as you learn more about the world.

Great ideas for the solo Australian holiday

Townsville – the perfect coastal getaway, Townsville is a great destination for singles looking for a relaxing time to enjoy the surf and sun. Magnetic Island offers a unique natural sanctuary as over half the island is a National Park. Try out your favourite water sports – what better way to spend your holiday than kayaking amongst Townsville’s brilliant waters? You can find Townsville accommodation that caters for singles as well as families.

– if you’re looking to meet fellow travellers and make new friends, Darwin is one of the best destinations for single travellers. Backpackers mingle with locals in the many pubs and night spots while the Mindil Beach markets are a spectacle to marvel at. You can also join a tour to visit nearby Kakadu and other nearby national parks.

Brisbane – enjoy a night out on the town in style. Brisbane has a number of great entertainment venues and vibrant hot spots. You’ll enjoy the many singles’ events and travel groups where you can meet fellow travellers. Or just spend a day wandering aimlessly through the eclectic streets of the city.

Author Bio:
This article is supplied by With no booking fees and great rates – you’ll have no trouble finding cheap accommodation – Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne – Australia awaits you.

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So You Want To Go It Alone?

Kirsty Going it Alone, Gallipoli, Turkey

Kirsty Going it Alone, Gallipoli, Turkey

I have not undertaken a huge amount of solo travel but when I have, I found it quite different from travelling with a companion. I’m not sure I would choose to travel by myself often. I found it a little lonely and when I saw/experienced something amazing, I found myself looking around for someone to be able to say “Wow, did you see that” or “Look, isn’t that beautiful”. I also felt I was limited with where and when I could do things. In saying that, I do realise that there is not always this choice. I have a compiled a list that will aid the solo female traveller to be prepared!

1. Advice Regarding Your Documents

Prior to your departure check for the latest travel advice to ensure it is considered a safe destination. Check that you have all the necessary documentation. Make two copies of all papers, travellers cheques etc, one copy to carry separately from the originals and leave the other with someone at home. 

2. Arriving/Departing from your Destination

When travelling from your accommodation to the airport/train station or vice versa, go with a taxi recommended by the accommodation place and avoid arriving to your destinations late at night. 

3. Safety in Numbers

Travel in a group if you intend visiting somewhere considered ‘off the beaten track’ and avoid going on your own to remote areas/ruins where tourists don’t generally go. Take a guide or seek local advice. 

4. Accommodation

When arriving in a new town, keep to your original plan and stay in the accommodation you originally chose. Don’t let the taxi driver persuade you that it is now full and that he knows of a cheaper/better one. He’ll be working on commission and the accommodation, more than likely, won’t be in a safe part of town.

5. Valuables

Keep all valuables well hidden at all times and don’t wear expensive looking jewellery. That is inviting trouble, especially in under-developed countries. Leave your valuables in your accommodation safe when making long day trips. Obtain a receipt not just for your money belt/wallet etc but for its contents, with everything itemised.

6. Advice Regarding Your Carry Bag

When putting your bag down on the floor, to take a photo, or on public transport, or just to sit in a cafe, remember to put your foot through the strap. Not only does this make it harder to snatch, you’re less likely to forget it! 

7. Remain Confident and Keep Your Wits About You!

Most importantly, look “Confident” at all times! Walk with a purposeful stride and an air of ‘I know where I am and where I need to get to’…even if you don’t. Don’t ever look like easy prey.

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