Posts Tagged “Religion”

My Custom Designed Tour to Senegal and Mali

Gap Adventures is currently running a competition to design your own dream adventure. There are a number of requirements to be met and as I’m all for the adventure, dream, travel destinations, I set to work to create my custom design tour. The tour I have created takes in Senegal and Mali in the heart of West Africa, an area I’ve been longing to visit for many years, especially the amazing Djenne Mosque.

“Enjoy the sounds, colours and aromas of exotic Dakar, the home to the famous ‘Dakar Car Rally’. Take in Dakar’s markets, nearby ocean beaches and tropical rainforests. Enjoy a Senegal drumming class. Visit the first French settlement of Saint Louis, and like Île de Gorée, both were fortified collection points for slaves bound for the Americas…”PLEASE READ MORE & VOTE

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Where is Bagan?

Bagan Skyline at Dawn

Bagan once known as Pagan, is centrally located on a vast plain in Burma in the region of Myanmar. The area is most well-known for the numerous temples and pagodas dotted around the area, creating a mystical skyline. Most of the temples were built between the 11th and 13th centuries A.D. by King Anawrathta who founded the Bagan Empire. The Bagan dynasty fell at the end of the 13th century and many pagodas were also lost.

With more than 2,200 temples and pagodas to visit that remain standing, covering an area of approximately 40 square kilometres, no traveller will have the same story to tell of their visit to Bagan, for no traveller will visit the same temples – there are too many to choose from! Bagan is a travel destination to rival the famous temples of Angkor, Cambodia.

The Weeping Goldsmith: Discoveries in the Secret Land of Myanmar (Hardcover)


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Bagan

One Great Reason to Visit

One great reason to visit this travel destination is for the 2,200 temples that create an amazing skyline which is best viewed at dawn, creating magical silhouettes.


For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Myanmar Travel Information
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    Wishing You a Happy, Safe Holiday and Festive Season would like to take the time to wish everyone, the world over, a very happy and safe holiday season. We understand there are differing celebrations depending where you are in the world and where your cultural background lie. Your location can also vary the length of holiday season you experience.

    We are particulary thinking of our friends in Europe and on the east coast of America that have been hit by harsh winter conditions during the past week and making it almost impossible for them to get to their travel destinations.

    Photo by Joanna Young

    Here in Australia we are about to celebrate our festive season and summer holidays. The school children will enjoy a good 5-6 week break and many families take the opportunity to have a summer holiday. Many flock to the popular beaches or large river systems that offer swimming, relaxing and many water activities.

    Photo by Squirmelia

    So, images of Christmas trees covered in snow and foggy windows donned with decorations are quite foreign here in Australia. No matter where you are this Holiday Season of 2009, enjoy it with your families, stay safe and all the best for a healthy, prosperous 2010.

    Please leave a comment telling of your where abouts and what your Holiday Season plans are.

    We’d love to hear!

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    Where is Ipiales?

    Las Lajas Cathedral

    Las Lajas Cathedral

    Colombia probably has more inspiring highlights than Ipiales but this town found close to the border with Ecuador certainly has a prize not to be missed if arriving from Ecuador.

    The magnificent, neo-gothic cathedral of Santuario de Las Lajas is located 7km from the town centre and was built early to mid last century. It was built in a deep river gorge and incorporates a bridge spanning the river, making it quite a spectacular travel destination.

    Each year Las Lajas attracts pilgrims from all over Colombia and from abroad. Thanksgiving plaques and mementos are left along the pathway to the fairy-tale like cathedral.

    Colombia – A Country Guide


    TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Ipiales

    One Great Reason to Visit Ipiales

    One great reason to visit this travel destination is to see the Las Lajas Cathedral that has been built over a bridge spanning a steep, river ravine.

    Las Lajas Cathedral, Ipiales, Colombia

    Las Lajas / Ipiales, Colombia from Jnp on Vimeo.

    For More Information

  • Wikipedia
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