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One country’s dusty backyard is another country’s dream vacation, according to Google’s 2013 year-in-review list.

Published Tuesday, the Zeitgeist charts reveal the hottest travel destinations by country.

The data is divided into two kinds of lists. The first reflects the “trending” destinations — those that show the greatest growth in searches when compared to last year — while the second shows rankings of topics with the largest total search volumes.

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, with 71% of the global search engine market share.

The roundup yielded some surprising results — Macau was the most searched destination in India this year, for example.

In Australia the top destination was Disneyland, despite the fact that the closest Magical Kingdom is an ocean away in Hong Kong.

London topped the destination searches in the United Arab Emirates, while those in the UK were planning trips to Rome and New York.

More: The world’s best city is …

Zeitgeist also analyzed the top destination wedding and honeymoon searches coming from the United States.

American couples wanted to head to the warm waters of Mexico, Bahamas and Kauai for their weddings, while New Zealand topped their honeymoon searches. Croatia rounded out the top 10 honeymoon list.

Read the full CNN story.


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What Has Jessica Watson Achieved?

Arriving in Sydney

Sixteen year old Australian sailor, Jessica Watson has achieved something this land-lover can only marvel at. The thought of circum-navigating the world on a travel adventure is surely present but to undertake this by sea and alone, there is absolutely no appeal in it at all! Consequently, when I stop to think of the 210 days Jessica spent aboard the small, pink boat named ‘Ella’s Pink Lady’, I can’t help but imagine what she has encountered. Large swells, storms, isolation, darkness, mechanical issues and all to be toughed out alone – what an amazing young women she is!

Jessica sailed into Sydney Harbour on Saturday 15th May to a hero’s welcome home. A huge supportive crowd had gathered to share in her achievement. Jessica later spoke humbly and articulately to the crowds and media cameras, of not being a hero but simply an ordinary girl who had a dream and her (brave) parents, allowing and supporting her to do this. For more of Jessica’s story READ HERE.

Jessica Watson returns to Sydney, Australia after Sailing Solo around the World

Links of Interest to Jessica Watson

  • Jessica Watson Website
  • Jessica Watson’s Blog
  • Join Jessica Watson on Facebook
  • Wikipedia
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    Social Media Complaining!

    twitter_follow_meI have just read an enlightening article by Michelle Higgins the writer of the ‘Practical Travel’ column, for the New York Times. She outlines the use of Twitter for travellers, highlighting the use of Twitter when it comes to ‘complaining’!

    With Twitter’s popularity growing and the awareness of the power of Social Media, many of the large travel and tourism companies have jumped on board. Not only do they have the opportunity to shout out their goods and services in 140 character tweets but they are now open to receiving 140 character tweets from their customers – and they do so.

    Michelle Huggins writes “As hotels, airlines and other travel companies line up on Twitter to promote their brands, customers who voice their grievances in the form of tweets are getting surprisingly fast responses for everything from bad airplane seats to poor room service” – READ MORE

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