Posts Tagged “Ghana”

Accra, the capital of Ghana, virtually comes alive during the night

Accra is quickly becoming a fun city. First of all talking about the cheap flights, flights are cheap and plentiful. There are just so many international students heading here as well as executives working for the multinationals, young people going to the university and other Africans attracted by the relatively safe work and family environment, the beautiful beaches and green parks. The city, now a tapestry of nations, is coming alive. And there’s no better way to prove this than by sampling the nightlife.

So here’s a list of the top nightclubs in Accra

The Aphrodisiac Night Club was top on my list, especially when I heard Stevie Wonder had come by and loved it back in the day. The cab driver, on the way in from the airport told me it recently relocated to Nii Bodu Street in a suburb called Dzorwulu, not too far from the airport. It was my first stop after a shower and a change.

Ladies, here’s some good news. You get in free. Here, beneath the multi-colored strobes and the pounding music you can dance. There are two great dance floors, two state of the art bars and a laser show to watch if you just want to sit back and enjoy the show. Here it is wild, it is oud and it is packed, but the good news here is if you want to just sit back and take it all in, you can do just that.

Next stop: Vienna City. Ever heard of a night club located within an airport? I didn’t believe it either but the Vienna City night club, while not as high profile as the Aphrodisiac, is well-laid out and very cool inside. The bars are exotic, the poker machines and pool tables are a fun way to while away your time, or to relax after work. And best of all you can actually win! I won! Later that night, we headed out to the Garden Restaurant, which really feels like you’re on a vacation there with its late-night atmosphere and its music.

On my last night in Accra, I decided to be a little more downbeat, I was tired. The concierge recommended the Macumba night club. The people watching were great, but the music was loud, too loud if you ask me and the bars were crazy busy, and not at all what I was in the mood for. But I soon found what I was in the mood for, Le Borsalino. A quiet French meal with warm subtle red wines, Roquefort cheese and steak.

Accra has it all.

Night life in Ghana’s capital is simply great, if you have the time and inclination. Do check for cheap flights to Accra.

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