Posts Tagged “Geology”

Where is the Giant’s Causeway?

The Giant's Causeway is located on the northern coast of Northern Ireland.The Giant’s Causeway is located on the Antrim coast of Northern Ireland. I visited the area during 1988 when visiting Northern Ireland where my maternal Grandmother came from.

I was taken by the Giant’s Causeway, with its rugged landscape and the tops of the columns forming stepping stones which are hexagonal in shape. The area is made up of approximately 40,000 of these interlocking, hexagonal basalt columns, which resulted from an ancient volcanic eruption. The Giant’s Causeway was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO during 1986 and is today owned and managed by the National Trust. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Northern Ireland.

A Companion to the Causeway Coast Way


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of the Giant’s Causeway

One Great Reason to Visit the Giant’s Causeway

One great reason to visit this travel destination is to enjoy the rugged stepping stone landscape.

Giant’s Causeway

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Official Tourist Board visitor information for the Causeway and surrounding area
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