Posts Tagged “Culture”

Oman has been on my bucket-list for quite some time. It seems to be one of the more relatively peaceful countries in the middle east and offers a feast of cultural experiences, landscapes, historic castles and forts. I recently tracked down a long lost cousin and turns out he has a placement in Muscat. We connected in the social media space including Facebook and I am being tempted with his gorgeous photos of the region. It’s so good to see him taking the opportunity to get out and explore and mix with the locals, Bedouins and all!

So when I spied this magnificent sunset over the Gulf of Oman, I had to beg him (not really) to allow me to share it here. I’m a sucker for the middle east, deserts and a stunning sunset!

Sunset over the Gulf of Oman

Photo courtesy of Dale Bode who is currently working in Muscat. Lucky, lucky man!

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Berlin, capital of Germany, is one of the most cosmopolitan, vibrant and youthful cities in Europe. It is the most populous city and hosts cultural options, shopping and entertainment for all tastes and budgets. The international atmosphere permeates the streets, bars and restaurants, one of the quintessential college towns in Europe. It also has excellent communications by road and by air. Berlin is one of the busiest cities of low cost flights in Europe. Hotels in Berlin are not very expensive either. There are many attractions in this city that is the summit of art and alternative culture and home to pioneering experimental musicians in styles and trend setters.

Some of the best kept secrets of Berlin are:

Best kept secrets in BerlinThe Tiergarten, Berlin lung park is the second largest park in the city after the Grünewald. It’s located right in the city heart and because of its large size, it is best to cross it by bike to make the most of every corner, especially their wildest and leafy nooks. It features a cemetery in which lie the remains of Red Army and one of the best kept secrets of this beautiful natural area is open to the public. It’s the nudist space offered in summer, example of progressive culture within the city. The second secret of the Tiergarten is that it can accommodate parties and barbecues freely, although always according to rules of conviviality and use. Any citizen or visitor can use the facilities and public barbecues of Tiergarten to enjoy a picnic day.

Scheunenviertel, the Jewish quarter of the city is par excellence. Located in the eastern part of Berlin, it is not always mentioned among the main Berlin attractions, but by no means is it less interesting. This outdoor museum of Hebrew culture reflects history, suffering, reconciliation and peace in the streets. Today lovers of culture, art, alternative trends and creativity, as well as those who enjoy charming cafes and a touch of modern romance, find as one of their favourite places, the Scheunenviertel in Berlin. One of the secrets of this bohemian mecca for connoisseurs of fashion and trends, are its clothing stores, where you can find unique clothes, gourmet boutiques or designer pieces.

The Free Tour is one of the best options for the most emblematic of the city from the hand of young enthusiasts who know by heart places. The duration of this tour is about three and a half hours walking on foot and the most important points of historical and cultural attractions of Berlin. The worst kept secret about this tour is that it is free. Guides accept the offerings of the participants at the end of the visit, so that each is free to remunerate the work of the same according to their criteria, if desired. It is a favorite for young and international students who come to Berlin each year to their first contact with the city options.

The route of this tour, which is normally available twice a day every day of the week, includes the Pariser Platz, the door Bandenburgo, the Parliament building or memorial Memorial to Murdered Jews of Europe and more. The tour will not ignore the history of the Hitler Bunker and will guide participants in their tour of the iconic Berlin Wall, as well as the exploration of the former SS barracks or the Gendarmenmarkt. It also includes other landmarks such as the famous Neue Wache or Bebelplatz and the TV Tower and beautiful Museum Island.

Berlin is home to some of the most interesting open secrets of European cultural scene. This city is rich in history, education, arts and entertainment and will delight our five senses. All you need is a good base of action. So it’s a great idea to find a good apartment in Berlin near the center so you are situated within reach of all the open secrets!

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The city of Dubrovnik isn’t called “The Pearl of the Adriatic” for no reason. Situated on the beautiful Dalmatian coast, since the 13th century Dubrovnik has been an important Mediterranean sea power with rich history and cultural life. Over time, it has managed to preserve it’s gorgeous palaces, monasteries and other similar historical and architectural monuments. As an incredibly well preserved example of a medieval Mediterranean city it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the whole Europe, especially for the last couple of decades.

 Dubrovnik, Croatia - Summer Festival

Dubrovnik Summer Festival

Dubrovnik Summer Festival was founded in 1950. to revive the renaissance and baroque atmosphere, theater and literary heritage of Dubrovnik, while at the same time providing an opportunity to breathe new life into the cities artistic and festive existence. As a cultural center of this part of Mediterranean sea and the Dalmatian coast itself, Dubrovnik has become the perfect breeding ground for world known artists and ensembles to manifest their work in front of an audience. The festival repertoire has over time become an instrument for channeling and reflecting the cities history through plays, performances and concerts all set in it’s natural architectural and cultural surroundings, making this festival one of a kind in the world.


Dubrovnik Summer Festival hosts a variety of open-air performances from plays and concerts to recitals, thus providing a unique experience for every tourist who decides to pay a visit to this ancient Mediterranean city. A must see on your holiday Dubrovnik Summer Festival is the perfect opportunity to experience Mediterranean and it’s cultural life as it once was. Whether you’re into theater, ballet, dance or music, Dubrovnik Summer Festival has something for everyone and will equally leave everyone who visits it in awe.


Classical music, contemporary drama, best ballet ensembles from all around the world, circus theater, opera – you name it, Dubrovnik Summer Festival has it all and offers you the best possible experience of this kind in the world, as one of the largest cultural manifestations in all of Europe. As a melting pot of different cultures, languages and nations it has become a meeting place of the world’s most prominent artists from world famous actors like Daniel Day Lewis to Czech Philharmonic and the Moscow Chamber Musical Theater to Julliard Quartet from New York, Amadeus Quartet from London and piano soloists like Syvatoslav Richter, Nikita Magaloff, Rudolf Firkusny, Van Cliburn, Alexis Weissenberg and many more.


Dubrovnik Summer Festival Opening

As a one of a kind place in the world Dubrovnik is definitely the perfect tourist destination for all of you who want a unique experience that will stay in your memory forever. Off course, The Dubrovnik Summer Festival is the perfect manifestation of everything this ancient city has to offer and needless to say, this festival is very popular among tourist from the whole world, so we recommend you to find your apartment in Dubrovnik as soon as possible. After you do that you’re on your way to having the best holiday of your life, a holiday you will always remember and tell all of your friends and family about. Once you visit Dubrovnik, you’ll always come back, because nothing compares to what this city has to offer.

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Asiа іѕ not onlу thе lаrgest contіnent іn thе world, it аlѕo hаѕ thе moѕt аdmirаble nаturаl treаsures аnԁ thе richest аnԁ moѕt diverse culture. From іtѕ mysticаl temples аnd lаnԁmаrks of аntiquіty, soothіng beаches аnd enchаntіng lаnԁscаpes to thе аstonіѕhіng skyscrаpers аnԁ іnfrаstructure of modernіty. Asiа іѕ defіnіtely а plаce to visit on аnyonе’s bucket lіѕt.

Dome of the Rock, IsraelJerusаlem, Isrаel

Asiа іѕ thе origіn of thе world’s biggest religions. Jerusаlem іѕ thе holy lаnԁ for Jews, Chrіѕtiаns аnԁ Muslims. Notаble plаces to vіѕіt іncluded Golgothа, whеrе Jesus wаs crucified, thе Dome of thе Rock аnԁ thе Cenаcle.

Beijіng, Chіnа

The ѕесonԁ biggest economy іn thе world, Chіnа іѕ аlѕo а contender аs thе oldest civilizаtion іn thе world. Thіѕ cаpіtаl іѕ host to thе moѕt momentous culturаl sіtes nаmely, thе Greаt Wаll of Chіnа, thе onlу mаn mаde structure vіѕible from spаce аnԁ thе Forbidden Cіty, thе imperiаl pаlаce of Chіnа’s аncient dynаsties.

Agrа, Indiа

Indiа іѕ onе of thе moѕt diversely exotic cultures іn thе world. Agrа іѕ thе host to thе glаmorous civilizаtion of thе Mughаl Empire, whісh іѕ onсе аs progressive аs thе Romаn Empire. Notаble plаces іncluded thе Tаj Mаhаl, onе of thе Seven Wonders of thе World.

Pаlаwаn, Philippіnes

The Philippіnes іѕ а heаvenly pаrаdіѕe on eаrth thаt іѕ rich іn exquіѕіte nаturаl beаuties аnԁ thе moѕt hospіtаble people іn thе world. Pаlаwаn іѕ thе home to thе fаmed underground river, а nеw ѕеvеn wonder of thе world; thе Tubbаtаhа reef whісh boаsts of thе moѕt beаutiful corаl reefs іn thе world; аnԁ numerous prіѕtіne tropicаl beаches.

Tokyo, Jаpаn

The home of thе sаmurаi, аnime, аnԁ thе moѕt high-tech destination іn thе world, Jаpаn іѕ thе reflection of thе futurіѕtic modern consumer society. Tokyo іѕ thе center of аll things high-tech.

Phucket, ThailandPhuket, Thаilаnԁ

Thаilаnԁ іѕ а country thаt hаѕ nеvеr bееn colonized аnԁ іnfected bу western culture. The purіty of іtѕ preserved culture аnԁ trаdіtions mаkes thе country аn аbsolute wonder. Phuket boаsts of mаny sаnԁy beаches аnԁ immаculаte wаters lіkе Surіn Beаch, Bаngtаo аnԁ thе Westіn Sirаy Bаy.

Mount Everest, Nepаl

Mount Everest іѕ thе tаllest mountаіn іn thе world whісh wіll lіterаlly tаke vіѕіtors on thе topmoѕt of thе world.

Dubаi, UAE

Dubаi іѕ thе gаtewаy of tourіѕts to thе furtive аnԁ conservаtive world of Arаbs through whісh onе cаn enjoy leіѕure trаvel аnԁ аctivіties whіlе simultаneously leаrnіng thе Arаbiаn culture аnԁ enjoyіng Middle Eаstern topogrаphy.

Bаli, Indonеsiа

Indonеsiа іѕ thе world’s lаrgest аrchipelаgo comprіѕed of ovеr 17,000 іѕlаnԁs, thuѕ thе moѕt number of primevаl coаstlіnes аnԁ beаches. Bаli іѕ onе of іtѕ moѕt vіѕіted resorts, whісh іѕ аlѕo rich wіth othеr tourіѕt spots ѕuсh аs Ubud, Kutа аnԁ Sаnur.

Kuаlа Lumpur, Mаlаysiа

Dіѕcovеrіng Asiа definitely must include a vіѕіt to Mаlаysiа. Apаrt from іtѕ beаutiful beаches, іt hаѕ mаny othеr must-see plаces ѕuсh аs thе Mulu Cаves, thе lаrgest cаve chаmber іn thе world аnԁ thе Petronаs Twіn Towers, thе tаllest twіn buildіngs іn thе world. Search the web for more of the hottest spots in Asia.

A guest post by George who works for, an online travel company famous for the Cheap tickets it offers on Thai Airways.

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