Posts Tagged “Cornwall”

Travel Photo of the Week: Mousehole Harbour, England

The picture-postcard harbour of Mousehole lies 4km south of Penzance on the very tip of the County of Cornwall. Mousehole (pronounced “Mowzel”) is a very popular tourist destination. A small and very safe beach is located in a sheltered part of the harbour which is popular with families, particularly those with small children – making it an ideal location for family outings. Dylan Thomas (1930) described Mousehole as ‘ the loveliest village in England’, a title that remains true to the present day.

Mousehole Harbour, Cornwall, England

Photo courtesy of Travel Tips Plus reader Lavinia.

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Where is St Michael’s Mount?

St Michael's Mount

St Michael's Mount

St Michael’s Mount became a National Trust site during 1954 and is located at Marazion, near Penzance in the most southern County of Cornwall in England. It’s perceived to be one of England’s most dramatic and well known coastal attractions. The medieval castle and church are perched high upon the mountain outcrop of an island. This is then separated from the mainland by a tidal causeway. You can visit on foot by the causeway at low tide or take a boat during high tide.

St Michael’s Mount is rich in myths, legends and history dating back to 350 B.C. A full Timeline of the Mount has been provided.

The island currently has a population of approximately 30 inhabitants and whose jobs range from the local boatman, gardener, guide and handyman. They all pool together to ensure the island is maintained for the 200,000 plus visitors that arrive each year.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of St Michael’s Mount

One Great Reason to Visit St Michael’s Mount

One great reason to visit St Michael’s Mount is to marvel at the location of the craggy island, that lies beyond the tidal causeway, with a castle and church perched upon it.

Tour of St Michael’s Mount

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • St Michael’s Mount – Official Site
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