Posts Tagged “Bali”

Where is Ubud?

Ubud Monkey ForestUbud is located north-east of Bali’s capital Denpasar, in the central uplands regions. Cheapflights Australia will get you to Denpasar where you can grab an airport taxi or hire a car. The trip generally takes 1-1.5 hours. Note there are no airport shuttle buses.

Ubud is the hub of Bali’s arts and culture, together with yoga and nature. The Ubud area is surrounded with forests, rivers and cooler temperatures. Some of the small “boutique” hotels in and around Ubud, offer spa treatments or treks up Ubud’s nearby mountains. Ubud’s central market is a popular attraction also.

Ubud’s other star attraction is the ‘Ubud Monkey Forest’ where visitors can see the hundreds of macaque monkeys which live in the reserve. Visitors can buy bananas at the front gate to feed to the monkeys, who may even try to steal from you! The cheeky monkeys love objects which are shiny, so glasses, earrings and metal objects are often stolen…so be on the look out!


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Ubud

One Great Reason to Visit Ubud

One great reason to visit this travel destination is for a true Balinese cultural experience.

Walking around Ubud, Bali

Bali & Lombok (Regional Travel Guide)

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The Balinese Monkey Chant – an excerpt from Baraka

Baraka the filmThe Balinese Monkey Chant is an excerpt from the beautiful non-verbal film, Baraka. The rhythms and beat are divine. Baraka was filmed back in 1992 by Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson. The music adds to the visual feast and includes musicians such as Michael Stearns and Dead Can Dance. Twenty Four different countries have been represented throughout the film.

Baraka takes the viewer into a delightful trip around the world witnessing splendid landscapes, cultures and humanity. It also makes one question many things about our world and what is becoming of it. I watched it again recently and found it even more moving that the first time I watched it. Why would that be?

Balinese Monkey Chant

Baraka – Special Edition

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  • Wikipedia
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