Posts Tagged “Airport”

It’s funny to think that despite being the second most populous city in the entire United Kingdom, Birmingham is still largely unknown among the world and in general among all foreign tourists. So when I got the chance to visit it was clear that I had to talk about it afterwards. When I arrived I had no problem parking at Luton airport.


In this unattractive picture is a building undoubtedly contributed for the Birmingham World War II. Being one of the hardest hit cities, it was almost entirely rebuilt at the end of it. This was the time when the Birmingham airport parking was developed. The odd building was saved but they are so hidden, hidden among giants. They are ugly buildings that make you lose interest to unsheathe your camera.

When I had spent more than half my time in Birmingham I was at one point with this famous landmark, The Bull. It was a plump Taurus statue at the entrance of a large shopping center. I wrote in my notebook that it frightened tourists much less than the city itself.


It was perhaps the massive expansion of Birmingham in the seventies when the city really exceeded one million inhabitants. It had left its inhabitants so sharply that only heavy metal born in any of their crude enclosures had served as an escape for their young people.

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