Oman has been on my bucket-list for quite some time. It seems to be one of the more relatively peaceful countries in the middle east and offers a feast of cultural experiences, landscapes, historic castles and forts. I recently tracked down a long lost cousin and turns out he has a placement in Muscat. We connected in the social media space including Facebook and I am being tempted with his gorgeous photos of the region. It’s so good to see him taking the opportunity to get out and explore and mix with the locals, Bedouins and all!

So when I spied this magnificent sunset over the Gulf of Oman, I had to beg him (not really) to allow me to share it here. I’m a sucker for the middle east, deserts and a stunning sunset!

Sunset over the Gulf of Oman

Photo courtesy of Dale Bode who is currently working in Muscat. Lucky, lucky man!

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