Where is Ras Mohammed?

Ras Mohammed National Park

Ras Mohammed National Park is located on the most southerly tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. It’s an extremely remote travel destination on the shores of the Red Sea. Access is generally either by vehicle or boat from Sharm el Sheikh.

I was fortunate to meet a German/Egyptian family who were holidaying for the diving in and around Sharm el Sheikh and they offered to take me to this remote destination in their vehicle. Access was probably even more difficult back in the 1980s as the towns on the Red Sea were yet to be discovered and developed into the tourist destinations we know today. The only access to Ras Mohammed was with someone who had a vehicle.

The small 4WD drive was loaded up with 6 passengers, scuba diving and snorkeling gear, and south we headed.

Diary extract – 18 July, 1988

Reef Fish on Local Postcard

“…We were stopped at a number of military checkpoints where Passports were required. Unfortunately, my passport was left as a security deposit with the Aqua Marine where the snorkelling gear was hired. Our host, who was of Egyptian origin, managed to confuse them at each checkpoint and we were not asked to show them. Whilst it was a mere 15km drive, it took an hour to get there! The last 5km was very much cross country and a 4WD was a necessity.

Desert Camels

We headed straight for the reef with our gear and I’ve never seen such an incredible number of fish of all colours and sizes. It can best be compared with swimming in a large, tropical fish tank found in your neighbourhood pet shop. We made it to the edge of the reef and the colours were simply breathtaking, as it plunged away beneath us. There were clams to be seen on the reef cliff and coral in many colours, shape and form. I’d not been out there for any length of time, when the others surfaced to say they saw a Hammerhead shark – I decided not to hang around and headed back to the safety of the reef…”

The Red Sea Dive Guide


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Ras Mohammed

One Great Reason to Visit Ras Mohammed

One great reason to visit this remote travel destination is to experience the diving and/or snorkelling over the reef, through an abundance of fish, to the spectacular reef edge.

Ras Mohammed from Sharm El Sheikh

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Sinai Divers
  • Ras Mohammed Diving Sites
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    2 Responses to “RAS MOHAMMED, Egypt: Sinai Peninsula, Ras Mohammed National Park and Red Sea Diving”
    1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kirsty Wilson – VA, TravelTipsPlus. TravelTipsPlus said: Todays #dream #travel destination is: the isolated Ras Mohammed, Sinai, Egypt http://su.pr/22dQ4N A diving haven. […]

    2. […] Ras Mohammed, Egypt […]

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