Where is Positano?



Positano is situated on the Amalfi Coast between Sorrento and Amalfi and has a population of around 4,000. This post has been authored by Angela Pearse. Angela is an Auckland-based travel writer who loves Italy.

Positano is renowned for its picturesque houses set impossibly high up into the cliff face, spiraling roads, superb cuisine, antique shops and art galleries. When Coco Chanel pronounced tans fashionable in the 1930’s, large numbers of trend setters flocked to the town in search of sun and romance. Today Positano still attracts the rich and famous due to the large number of luxury accommodations; it has four 5 star hotels, and fourteen 4 star hotels.

Though the most popular pastime is sunbathing, many hiking trails exist in the hills behind Positano. The most notable is the ‘Sentiero degli Dei’ (Path of the Gods) which starts in the small hamlet of Nocelle 1,500 feet above the coastline and descends by way of 1,700 steps to the township below.

The Wonders of the Amalfi Coast


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Positano

One Great Reason to Visit Positano

One great reason to visit are for the friendly locals who give tourists of all budgets a warm welcome.


For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Positano – Town Information
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