Where is Patagonia?

Patagonia, ArgentinaPatagonia is most well-known for its wilderness taking up parts of Chile and Argentina and stretching from the most southern part of the Andes to the Pacific Ocean and across to the Atlantic Ocean.

One of the most popular travel destinations for its dramatic scenery and a good representation of Patagonia is Alerces National Park found in Argentina. It covers an area of 263,000ha and here you can see prairies, mountains, lakes and spry creeks. However, its biggest drawcard is the Alerce tree, a species that has survived for more than 4,000 years.

Patagonia was originally a remote backpacking destination, however it is now attracting increased numbers of cashed-up visitors, cruise passengers sailing by Cape Horn or visiting Antarctica, and activity holiday-makers. Patagonia offers terrific hiking opportunities, kayaking, horseback riding and vast photographic opportunities.

Lonely Planet Trekking in the Patagonian Andes


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Patagonia

One Great Reason to Visit Patogonia

One great reason to visit this travel destination is to appreciate the wilderness landscapes.

Patagonia – Argentina

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Patagon Journal
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