My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets

I was recently nominated to participate in Tripbase’s “3 Best Kept Travel Secrets” by Katie Sorene.

“Congratulations on being nominated in Tripbase’s Best Kept Travel Secrets Project! Two months on, and we’re amazed at the response we’ve had. Over 100 travel bloggers have participated so far, sharing their Best Kept Travel Secrets on far-flung destinations, hidden hotels, exotic foods and expert travel tips.” – Katie from

And so here are my ‘3 best kept travel secrets’. They were all unknown to me and I found them to be true gems…

1. Xlendi Bay, Gozo, Malta

Found on the small island of Gozo, is the fishing village known as Xlendi. Its focal point is the small sea-inlet ‘Xlendi Bay’ with its deep turquoise waters, sandy beach and surrounding cliffs. The bay is often dotted with the traditional fishing boats displaying the bright colours of blue, red and yellow, adding further beauty to this town.

Photo by stevesheriw

2. Stourhead Garden, England

For a period of six months I lived and worked in Shaftesbury, England. Every weekend was spent exploring the surrounding areas and the National Trust property of Stourhead Garden was a place I frequented. For a short period of time I worked as a groom just down the road. What a divine area of Wiltshire it was to work! I don’t expect, as a passing traveller, I would have had the time to have Stourhead on the itinery but as a ‘local’, I got to truly explore the magestic, 18th century garden with its bridges, grottos and temples.

Photo by BethM527

3. Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt is still the travel destination that I hold the fondest memories. I have in the past already dedicated a full post to Hallstatt. What captured my attention is that I stumbled upon it quite by chance and found it to be so lush and green, and tidy with a dolls-house atmosphere within the village. The surrounding mountains and lake, simply resembled nothing like what I would see here in Australia.

I now have to nominate five other bloggers to share their 3 best kept travel secrets.

Here are my nominations

  • Journey Jottings
  • Bay Area Tendrils Garden
  • Nick Bowditch Travel
  • Bella Italia
  • Rocky Travel
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  • Positano, Italy
  • Ravello, Italy
  • Shaftesbury, England
  • St Michaels Mount, England
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    6 Responses to “My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets: Xlendi Bay, Stourhead Garden and Hallstatt”
    1. […] been nominated by Kirsty Wilson of TravelTipsPlus to participate in Tripbase’s “3 Best Kept […]

    2. Thanks so much for the **nomination**
      Alice aka Bay Area Tendrils Garden Travel

    3. Hi Kirsty!

      thank you so much for the nomination….I finally got round to writing my contribution…here the link to my 3best kept travel secrets

      Michela from
      http://www.rockytravel. net

    4. Michela, some great choices. I spent 8 days on Majorca with a family I was Nanny to back in the ’80s. We stayed at Puerto de Andratx and explored the area. It reminded me a lot of parts of Australia. I’d been away for over 12mths and it felt like going home – other than the architecture! 😉

    5. […] travel bloggers world-wide “3 Best Kept Travel Secrets”. Travel Tips Plus’ travel secrets included Xlendi Bay, Malta; Stourhead Garden, England and Hallstatt, […]

    6. […] Project In February of this year I was thrilled to receive a nomination from Kirsty Wilson of Travel Tips Plus to reveal 3 of my best kept travel secrets as part of a Blog Tag game initiated by Tripbase. […]

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