Where is Muscat?

Al Jelali Fort, Muscat

Al Jelali Fort, Muscat

Muscat is the capital of The Sultanate of Oman, a small country bordering Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates. Muscat itself is made up of a number of coastal towns on the Gulf of Oman that have joined overtime. Each town is sandwiched between the coast and the barren desert mountains.

Muscat has strict building regulations and there are very few high rise buildings and even the newest, most functional building is required to reflect the traditions of a dome or an arabesque window. Muscat in places has a medieval feel resulting from the Portuguese occupation during the 1500s and two old forts, Al Jelali and Al Merani are testimony to this era. Whilst visitors are unable to enter ‘Al Alam Royal Palace’, photos of the entrance are permitted. The maze-like market of Mutrah Souk, which also includes the fish market, is often described as the best in the Gulf region.

An essential guide to Oman


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Muscat

One Great Reason to Visit Muscat

One great reason to visit Muscat is for the beautiful position on the Arabian Peninsula.

Visit Muscat, Oman

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Oman – Official Tourism Site
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    8 Responses to “MUSCAT, Oman: Exotic Arabian Scenery, Forts and Palaces”
    1. Another inspirational destination… Thanks Kirsty ! My favourite perfume comes from Oman – one of the Amouage range. The bottle is stunning – crystal silver and gold. And the perfume contains myrrh and frankincense amongst its ingredients, Cheers Julie

    2. my fav part of Oman is the people; a real pleasure to meet and be with

    3. Hi Kirsty,

      In my opinion, Oman is one of the world’s biggest secrets. There is everything from the sea, to the desert, to the mountains, and when one drives down a road, the scenery is completely different. Be sire to rent a 4 wheel and enjoy the wadi excursions. But the absolute best part of Oman is the Omanis. They are so warm and friendly! A visit to this country should be on everyone’s must do list. I am so fortunate to live here and really enjoy all the country has to offer.

      All the best,

    4. […] Muscat, Oman […]

    5. Hi Kirsty,

      Just rewatched this video and was amazed at how many of the places I did get to and how many more I found. Oman is a treasure – which I hope other travellers enjoy but do not over commericalise it.

      Can wait to share photos.

    6. I’ve just read this from my hotel room in Muscat, and agree with the above comments – it’s an amazing place. I’ve been fortunate enough to be hosted by the Ministry of Tourism here and have spent almost a month exploring the place, and I can honestly say it really is worth the journey. Truly spectacular country with beautiful people who will love sharing it with you.

      Thanks for the post, Kirsty.

    7. […] of Arabia’ and here is what guest writer Julie Wise perceived as 7 areas you must visit in Muscat as part of your Omani adventure – no particular […]

    8. […] Muscat, Oman […]

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