Where is Montefalco?

Piazza del Comune, Montefalco, Italy

Piazza del Comune, Montefalco, Italy

Montefalco is a medieval town found upon an outcrop north of Rome in the region of Umbria. The town is surrounded by ancient stone walls and found within a maze of cobbled laneways, medieval towers, historic buildings and churches from a number of periods, including romanesque, gothic and renaissance.

Sagrantino, is the local wine and is famous in Italy and abroad. It can be tasted in the town’s numerous wine bars or by visiting the outlying wineries around Montefalco. The extra virgin olive oil, too, is renowned.

Montefalco is an excellent base to explore the wider Umbrian region. It’s close to Perugia, Assisi, Spello, Spoleto, Norcia and Castelluccio. A little further away, but no more than 2 hours, you can reach Siena, Rome and Florence.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Montefalco

One Great Reason to Visit Montefalco

One great reason to visit Montefalco is for the historical beauty and the appeal the old world town oozes.


For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Montefalco – Town Site
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    4 Responses to “MONTEFALCO, Italy: Umbrian History and Good Wine”
    1. […] #dream #travel destination is: Montefalco, Italy https://inform.quest/_traveltips/montefalco/ Offered by @Bizangel […]

    2. […] Montefalco, Italy […]

    3. […] Montefalco, Italy […]

    4. Montefalco is wonderful. You can taste Sagrantino not only in wineries but also in restaurants, but not inside a glass, in the food! If you go to Montefalco try the Pappardelle al Sagrantino, a pasta made with sagrantino wine, it’s incredibly delicious!

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