Where is Los Llanos?

Los Llanos Anaconda

Los Llanos Anaconda

Los Llanos, meaning ‘flat plains’ describes the flat, savannah plains of central and south-western Venezuela of the Orinoco Delta. It is a haven for bird and wildlife. There is really only two distinct seasons in this region being the ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ seasons.

The dry season provides excellent bird-watching opportunities. Other wildlife you can expect to see amongst the various ecosystems include the anaconda (the largest snake in the world), crocodiles, capybaras, giant ant-eaters, piranhas and the pink river dolphin.

Explore Los Llanos and Venezuela with a ‘Lonely Planet’ Travel Guide


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Los Llanos

One Great Reason to Visit Los Llanos

One great reason to visit Los Llanos is for the safari’s available to view the bird and wildlife in their natural habitats.

Los Llanos

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
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