Where is La Palma and La Gomera?

La Gomera, Canary IslandsThe Canary Islands are often synonymous with lively nightlife and long days on the beach soothing a hangover, but the islands of La Palma and La Gomera have been largely untouched by the tourism trade and offer visitors a true taste of Spanish island life.

Both islands boast dramatic natural beauty, with rugged mountains and incredible scenery, perfect for those who enjoying exploring the great outdoors on their holidays. The stunning scenery is surrounded by beaches of black sand, formed from the volcanic geology of the Canaries which offer a stark contrast to the white sands of their Spanish counterparts. For the walkers and hikers amongst you, La Palma boasts the incredible Caldera de Taburiente National Park to the north, where you can explore walking trails, or venture to the jaw-dropping Fuencaliente volcanoes for a day out with a difference. Over on La Gomera, you’ll find the UNESCO world heritage site of the Garajonay National Park, which is largely covered by the lush Laurel forest and perfect for hiking through. If you prefer to explore the islands in a more relaxed manner, hiring a car is the best option as public transport is very limited. It is advised that you arrange car hire before you travel to La Palma and La Gomera, as these services get booked up quickly during the peak season.

La Palma, Canary IslandsAs well as enjoying the unspoiled beauty of these islands, you can relax and unwind in one of the many cheap hotels on the island, which offer homely comfort as well as exceptional service and authentic cuisine, including the famous tapas, Canarian potatoes with mojo or traditional paella. It is recommended that you indulge in fresh fish whilst holidaying on the islands, as it is caught daily and is the perfect addition to the locally produced wine. You can also take a little bit of the Canaries home with you by purchasing souvenirs from the markets and small shops, where local handmade crafts, aloe vera products, lace and pottery are in abundance.

The slow pace of life and untouched qualities of each island means it’s certainly not a place for party goers. These islands are not served by direct flights from the UK and have relatively little or no influence from other nations, so visitors will experience the authentic Canary lifestyle. It’s the perfect holiday for those wanting to enjoy the natural scenery whilst relaxing and unwinding.

This post is part of a monthly Spanish Series sponsored by www.hotels4u.com, where you’ll find plenty of hotels in Spain suitable for all tastes and budgets.

Canary Islands (Eyewitness Travel Guides)


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of the Canary Islands

One Great Reason to Visit

One great reason to visit this travel destination is to enjoy the slow pace and take in the landscapes each island offers the visitor.

Canary Islands

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Official Tourism Site
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