Where is Korce?

Lake Prespa, Korce Region, AlbaniaKorce is the capital of the Korce Region located in the south/eastern region of Albania. It’s most well-known for its beautiful landscapes, medieval history, culture and festivals. There is always something happening to attract you to Korce.

Korce has served as an important trading market and route throughout the centuries. Albanian caravans began their travels from Korce to surrounding countries such as Turkey, Greece and Russia.

The outlying Korce Region is a place of great natural beauty, featuring the renowned Ohrid and Prespa Lakes, mountains and the National Park of Drenova. Twenty kilometres from Korce you can visit Dardha, a mountain village located at an altitude of more than 1,300m above sea level and is a great spot for hikers. With the region offering so much, Korce is an ideal travel destination as a base to explore the surrounds.

Lonely Planet: Western Balkans


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Korce

One Great Reason to Visit Korce

One great reason to visit this travel destination is for its natural beauty as Albania’s best-kept secret!

Korce, Albania

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Official Tourism Site
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