Where is Karumba?

Karumba is a small community 70km north from Normanton, Queensland and lies on the Gulf of Carpentaria at the mangrove-fringed mouth of the Norman River. It’s main attraction is fishing for barramundi, prawns and crab-fishing. The Barramundi Discovery Centre is well worth a visit. It breeds barramundi fingerlings through each wet season which are then released to restock Gulf waterways and rivers which is critical if we are to have ‘Fish for a fishing Future’. With fishing tourism being the main attraction there are plenty of opportunities to hire your own boat (boat licence required) or catch a fishing charter.

Karumba is also known for its spectacular sunsets which can be viewed from boat or Karumba Point Beach. These photos below were taken from Travel Tips Plus reader Jane. Jane and her husband are currently on a great adventure trooping around Australia with their gorgeous dog Mac.

Sunset at Karumba


Karumba sunset


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Karumba

Karumba, Australian Travel Video Guide

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