Where is Hurghada?

Hurghada beach by the Red Sea, Egypt

Hurghada beach by the Red Sea, Egypt

Hurghada is the most accessible location to the Red Sea, situated on the west coast of Egypt. The trip from Cairo to Hurghada by bus takes approximately 7 hours. 

It was once a quiet fishing port (as I remember it to be back in the late 80s) but is now a busy tourist destination, with diving and snorkelling being the main attraction.

However, there is also the vast cultural experience of being immersed in the Arabic, muslim and Nubian (local nomads) world. There is of course, also the Egyptian deserts to explore.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Hurghada

One Great Reason to Visit Hurghada

One great reason to visit Hurghada is for the reef experience of the Red Sea. The vast marine life that you can snorkel or dive with is truly amazing. You are able to swim through dense schools of fish and if you’re really fortunate, you may even see a sea turtle.

Hurghada Reef

More Information

  • Wikipedia 
  • Hurghada – Official Town Site 
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    8 Responses to “HURGHADA, Egypt: Red Sea Diving, Deserts and Culture”
    1. […] #dream #travel destination is: Hurghada, Egypt https://inform.quest/_traveltips/hurghada/ Recommended by @TerriCook […]

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    6. […] Plus’ very first blog post was made on the 19 June 2009. The dream, travel destination was Hurghada, Egypt and the format remains much the same today as when I first started. A total of 105 destination […]

    7. […] Hurghada, Egypt […]

    8. If you make a visit to Hurghada then you have to test and go diving just outside Hurghada. Fantastic views to see below the surface.

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