Wishing You a Happy, Safe Holiday and Festive Season

TravelTipsPlus.com would like to take the time to wish everyone, the world over, a very happy and safe holiday season. We understand there are differing celebrations depending where you are in the world and where your cultural background lie. Your location can also vary the length of holiday season you experience.

We are particulary thinking of our friends in Europe and on the east coast of America that have been hit by harsh winter conditions during the past week and making it almost impossible for them to get to their travel destinations.

Photo by Joanna Young

Here in Australia we are about to celebrate our festive season and summer holidays. The school children will enjoy a good 5-6 week break and many families take the opportunity to have a summer holiday. Many flock to the popular beaches or large river systems that offer swimming, relaxing and many water activities.

Photo by Squirmelia

So, images of Christmas trees covered in snow and foggy windows donned with decorations are quite foreign here in Australia. No matter where you are this Holiday Season of 2009, enjoy it with your families, stay safe and all the best for a healthy, prosperous 2010.

Please leave a comment telling of your where abouts and what your Holiday Season plans are.

We’d love to hear!

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7 Responses to “Happy Holidays 2009”
  1. Thanks for your festive good wishes :)
    We’ll be staying put for Christmas Day ~ So this’ll be our view when we wake up!

  2. Too nice Linda! We’re in Melbourne for Christmas & then heading to Warrnambool for a good digital-detox! Well, hoping to leave the laptop at home!! I keep swaying but do think I need a total break from the internet activity. I’m sure you know where I’m coming from? 😉

  3. We’ll be staying at home – we are too spoiled by our own home to want to go anywhere.

    Plus with so much on in Sydney at this time of year where else would you be especially at 23:59:59 on 31/12/2009.

    Enjoy your break! –

    Yes do it digital free. The best part about Oman was teaching me that the internet & laptop are your tools but not your life. I certainly changed by habits for the better.

  4. Merry Christmas Kirsty!
    I’m celebrating Christmas in North Queensland. Plenty of sunshine and warmth here so there will be swimming on Christmas day. I’m looking forward to the kids Christmas Eve Concert by the pool tonight too. On boxing day we’re going camping for 3 days my middle son is turning 7 and has requested that we bring the dog – and that she sleeps in his tent for his birthday! I’ll be offline but have already eased back my online time in the last few days.
    Wherever you are and whatever you do have a lovely Christmas everyone!

  5. Staying at home in a very chilly Spain! Actually today has warmed up a little but we’ve just had a week of snow, frost and fog! Would love to be in warmer climes!
    I’ve often wondered what the Aussies put on their christmas cards! Guess it must be pics of bbq’s on the beach then! thanks for that.

    Have a great holiday!

  6. Merry Christmas to you all! We’re about to head off for our big family lunch. Kids have their bathers packed incase the sun comes out later & it warms a little. Approx 20C here in Melbourne at the moment. I can’t imagine Spain being cold Dena. I’ve only ever been there during the summer. Your region looks gorgeous. Happy New Year!!

  7. Phillips family says:

    Hey Kirsty and family!

    A Happy Christmas to you all! Your Christmas Day is now over I realise – hope it’s been enjoyable and I see you’re heading off to Warrnambool soon for relaxation and holidays!

    Justin and I have returned home to Dorset for a few days and are now sitting round the wood burner opening presents, spending a cosy evening together! Temps have warmed up today and there’s been enough sun for a country walk!

    I’m heading off again on 27th and driving back to the south of France with an old school friend. Hope to have reached Turin, Italy for New Year – providing there’s not too much snow and bad weather in Northern France, as we head south.

    Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and hoping that 2010 brings good health and happiness!

    With love from Estelle and family xx

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