Travel Photos of the Week: Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

The Hampton Court Palace Flower Show for 2011 has just wound up and a close English friend of mine was fortunate enought to attend with her husband.

The features include show gardens, floral marquees, pavilions, talks and demonstrations. It is the second major national show after the Chelsea Flower Show but has a different character, focusing more on environmental issues, growing your own and cookery, while also opportunities to buy a whole range of gardening accessories, plants and flowers.

Being a keen gardener, I had the photos shared with me and decided to brighten up my blog by adding these splendidly, colourful photos.

Hampton Court Flower Show, London, England

A splash of colour!

Hampton Court Flower Show, London, England

The cottage garden

Hampton Court Flower Show, London, England

Weird and wonderful designs

Photos courtesy of Lavinia from Dorset.

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