Where is Granada?

Granada Architecture

Granada is the fourth largest city of Nicaragua and was established by the Spanish during 1524 as a showpiece. It was built in recognition of its Spanish namesake, Granada. Granada lies on the shores of Lake Nicaragua but is only a mere 70km from the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The rich, Spanish colonial heritage, can be seen in its architecture and layout. Granada is commonly referred to as the “Gran Sultana del Gran Lago”, the Great Sultan of the Great Lake.

Granada is an ‘off the beaten track’ travel destination but well worth a visit for its colonial heritage and beautiful architecture that can be enjoyed here. Granada is built around its main square, the Parque Central, and represents the city’s cultural, social and economic hub. Around the Parque Central you will find Granada’s cathedral, City Hall, banks, cultural centres, as well as a collection of small shops and stalls selling traditional food and handicrafts.

Lake Nicaragua with its warm climate makes it rich in tropical flora and fauna and is home to the only species of freshwater shark. A volcanic chain cuts right through the lake forming many beautiful islands that attract many to the area to enjoy a range of outdoor and water activities. A ferry service connects Granada to neighbouring cities on the lake.

Lonely Planet – Nicaragua (Country Guide)


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Granada

One Great Reason to Visit Granada

One great reason to visit this travel destination is to enjoy the beautiful architecture of Spanish-heritage displayed throughout the city.

Granada, Nicaragua

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Granada – Official Site
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