Where is Goa?

Church in Old Goa

Church in Old Goa

Goa is a small state located on the west coast of India, in fact it is the smallest state in terms of area. Panaji is the capital. Goa was a Portuguese colony from the time the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century until 1961, when the liberation of Goa took place.

Goa has been attracting national and international visitors for a long time. It is easily accessible and is often referred to as “India lite”, an easy-to-encounter version of India, than many of the larger Indian states and cities.

Goa offers lovely, relaxing beaches, historic architecture, sixteenth century churches, convents, monuments, temples and simply an array of exotic (but peaceful) sounds, smells and experiences.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Goa

One Great Reason to Visit Goa

One great reason to visit Goa is for its pure sense of an ‘exotic’ destination.


For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Goa – Official Site
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