Where is Gallipoli?

Anzac Cove, Gallipoli

Anzac Cove, Gallipoli

The Gallipoli peninsula is a slender peninsula across the water from Canakkale in Turkey. The narrow strait is the gateway to Istanbul. Winston Churchill organised a naval assault in order to capture the Ottoman capital and Allied troops were sent in during April 1915. After 9 months of fierce combat and little progress, the Allied forces withdrew. The number of casualties was extremely high and memorials are dotted around this moving landscape.

I visited Gallipoli during August of 1996. It was a travelling experience filled with lots of mixed emotions. I was travelling alone, going solo for the first time, and probably under circumstances which made me slightly vulnerable to feel awfully alone and isolated. This was never truer, than the visit to the quiet, secluded area of Gallipoli.

I wanted to experience Gallipoli by myself. To hear and feel the Aussie soldiers that were there and what they would have been confronted with as they arrived on the very shore I stood on in this photo. I didn’t want to hear tourists accents; English, American, German, etc complaining of the heat. I wanted to fully take in the harsh surrounds and … pay my respects!

Lonely Planet Turkey


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Gallipoli

One Great Reason to Visit Gallipoli

One great reason to visit this travel destination iespecially if you are an Australian or New Zealander, is that it is part of our history. The rugged landscape and steep cliffs, are a reminder of what the young officers were confronted with on arrival to that beach. It’s an extremely moving experience.

Gallipoli – ANZAC Legend – Free Heroes Remembrance Song

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Anzac Day
  • Gallipoli and the Anzacs
  • Related Posts with Thumbnails
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