Where is Djenne?

The Great Djenne Mosque

The Great Djenne Mosque

Djenne is located in the West African country of Mali and is situated on the flood lands of the Niger and Bani rivers. At the end of the wet season, when the rivers have risen, it can result in Djenne becoming an island.

Djenne would have to be on the ‘must see’ towns of Mali (it is on my must see places of Africa), largely for the ‘Great Mosque’ that is made of mud and is the largest mud brick structure in the world. Djenne is a UNESCO Heritage Listed town not only for the mosque but for the fact that it became a market centre and an important link in the trans-Saharan gold trade.

An ideal day to visit the town is on a Monday when it is market day and the town becomes a bustling, energetic feast for the senses. Cars, buses, people and animals all converge to the market square that is dominated by the mosque to buy and sell their goods.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Djenne

One Great Reason to Visit Djenne

One great reason to visit Djenne if it’s not solely to view the great Djenne, mud brick mosque that dominates the market square.

A Tour of Djenne

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Djenne – Sacred Site

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    9 Responses to “DJENNE, Mali: The Great Mud Mosque of Djenne”
    1. […] This post was Twitted by kirsty_wilson […]

    2. […] Recent Twitter Updates DJENNE, Mali: The Great Mud Mosque of Djenne » 26 07 […]

    3. What an amazing place. The mosque looks like an enormous, intricate sandcastle until you see people walking out the door and realise it’s a real building.

    4. Djenne, together with Bamako, Mopti and Timbuktu are all on my ‘must see’ list of Mali. I’ve wanted to get to West Africa since plans didn’t eventuate whilst in Morocco. We were unable to pass through Western Sahara and it would have meant back tracking into Algeria and cashing another US$200 at the border and added time, it just meant it was not meant to be!

    5. […] This post was Twitted by Chris_pinkapple […]

    6. […] « DJENNE, Mali: The Great Mud Mosque of Djenne CHARLESTON, South Carolina, USA: Historic Colonial Mansions and the Longest Cable-Stayed Bridge » 27 07 2009 […]

    7. […] Djenne, Mali […]

    8. […] Gap Adventures is currently running a competition to design your own dream adventure. There are a number of requirements to be met and as I’m all for the adventure, dream, travel destinations, I set to work to create my custom design tour. The tour I have created takes in Senegal and Mali in the heart of West Africa, an area I’ve been longing to visit for many years, especially the amazing Djenne Mosque. […]

    9. […] Djenne, Mali […]

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