Language holidays are becoming increasingly popular nowadays but, with English speaking countries located all over the world, it is extremely difficult to choose a destination which offers a quality English course together with sun, sea, sand and a lot more to offer. Until now, that is. The island archipelago of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea is a bilingual country so learners have plenty of opportunities to practise their English language skills outside of the classroom. This can be done whilst enjoying some of Malta’s breathtaking natural beauty, numerous sporting activities and vibrant nightlife ensuring that you leave Malta with more than just a sun-tan.

Combining an English course with a holiday – a trip to Malta has never been so appealing

Malta’s colonial architecture and pre-historic archaeology are as much an attraction as the island’s fabulous seafood restaurants, lively bars and popular night clubs. Village markets also give English learners the opportunity, not only to pick up a bargain, but also to converse with locals putting into practice the newly-acquired language skills which have been learnt in the classroom.

If you prefer your island experience to be a little more sun-kissed then simply head to one of Malta’s beautiful beaches. There are a number of larger beaches which offer all of the facilities you’d expect from a tourist destination or, also well worth a visit are the several smaller, more secluded bays and coves which are only a short journey from the main islands but their peace and tranquillity make them seem a world away. The busier beaches tend to offer all kinds of water sports and many have dive schools giving divers of all abilities the opportunity to explore the crystal clear waters which surround Malta and are home to reefs, wrecks and diverse marine life.

English language teaching is regulated by the Maltese education authorities meaning a high standard is maintained, an example of which is Maltalingua English Language School which only employs teachers with internationally recognised certification to teach English as a second language. Combined with the high quality of teaching, Maltalingua boasts an extremely friendly and relaxed atmosphere and a rooftop terrace and private pool where students are encouraged to get to know each other outside of the classroom – only speaking English of course! The school’s modern facilities and air-conditioned classrooms make learning English both inside and outside of the classroom extremely pleasant! Sound good? It gets better as Maltalingua are currently offering the chance to win a free English course including materials, transfers and accommodation; simply guess how many tiles are in their swimming pool – more details can be found at

With its natural beauty combined with its sun-kissed beaches, vibrant nightlife and high quality English courses, Malta is waiting to welcome you on your English language holiday.

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