Where is Ballarat?

Pipers by the LakeBallarat is a quaint little city located about 117 kilometres west of Melbourne, Victoria. By car, it would take you about an hour and a half to reach your destination.

Ballarat’s roots are embedded deep in the region’s, not to mention the country’s, history and it only follows that a lot of the city’s attractions.

Apart from the historical attractions, the city’s mild weather makes it an ideal venue for various cycling events, and music and art festivals.

Spring is the best time to visit as this is when the flowers are in full bloom and everybody is outside to enjoy the weather.


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

One Great Reason to Visit Ballarat

Your Ballarat experience will never be complete without a visit to the city’s most famous attraction: Sovereign Hill. Sovereign Hill is a man-made open air museum that showcases life in the 1800s when the gold rush was in full swing.

Have fun exploring over 60 historically accurate buildings all across this complex while interacting with the costumed personnel to get the most out of your experience. Dig for gold, explore the mines, visit the tents, and buy souvenirs at the shop.

Before you leave, make sure to watch the multi-million dollar production Blood on the Southern Cross. This lights and sounds extravaganza centres on the events leading up to the Eureka uprising which most experts credit as heralding the birth of democracy for all of Australia.

Ballarat: Discover Your Own Backyard

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