Argos Hotel – A hidden gem

Back during 1996 I found myself travelling to Turkey, alone. I was away for a period of 3 weeks. After arriving in Istanbul, I headed south through Ankara and down to the coast. I spent a few days longer than I wished to in Antalya after getting caught up in a bus strike and I couldn’t get out. Well, that’s a whole other story – full of adventure!

During my meanderings through the streets and laneways of Antalya, I came across the hidden, boutique Argos Hotel. The afternoon sun was getting hot and I longed for a little bit of comfort – I had been staying at a cheaper pension. I decided to be cheeky and ask if I could, for a small fee, spend the afternoon by their pool and promised I’d buy a couple of drinks. :)

They kindly allowed this and after settling on a poolside lounge I settled in for the most gorgeous afternoon. There were few others around probably opting for local tours. So it’s nearly 20 years since I’ve been there and I wondered if it was still operating. A little Google search quickly confirmed it is!

The Argos Hotel, Antalya, Turkey

A scanned business card I kept


poolside at the Argos Hotel

I had the pool almost all to myself!


Antalya door

A typical door – Antalya, Turkey

Argos Hotel, Antalya

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