Mustafa Sandal was Every Where!

This is the first of a new category to It came about from the sharing of international music with some of my favourite travel mates on Twitter. Some of the music I have been exposed to is simply marvellous and here is a great place for me to share it with others and have it stored for future enjoyment by myself!

Music has a great way to provoke memories of times, experiences and places. I have a collection of music I discovered whilst travelling and of course, when I play it, it immediately takes me back to those travel destinations.

Mustafa Sandal was and still is, a music pop star during the time I visited Turkey alone, backpacking. Every bus, taxi, cafe, restaurant and pension I was in, was playing him (and Kylie Minogue!). I just had to return with his CD, for I knew in the future, listening to it would recapture those solo backpacking days, sitting on crowded, smoke filled buses!!

Araba by Mustafa Sandal

Golgede Ayni, Mustafa Sandal – the CD I came home with!

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Mustafa Sandal – Official Site
  • Related Posts with Thumbnails
    3 Responses to “Araba by Mustafa Sandal, Turkey”
    1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kirsty Wilson – VA, TravelTipsPlus. TravelTipsPlus said: Today's 'Music to Travel to' is from Turkey. #dream #travel […]

    2. @jeand99 says:

      Translation song ‘Best Answer’

      The heart will want what it looks for,
      Would they all wait, no one can find it
      The heart will want what it knows… See More
      Would no one know, will no one ask

      It doesn’t even matter if she takes me,
      she’ll never be able to replace me
      And if I beg her to stay,
      She will never be able to stand still

      She has a car, is it nice? (nice)
      She has a driver too, is it private? (private)
      If she steps on the gas, would it go? (it would go)
      It’s unfortunate she doesn’t have a soul
      Because of that she hasn’t got a chance.


    3. Great detective work Jean. Whilst I have enjoyed the song for the past 13 years when I first heard it, I never knew what it was about! I guessed it was probably a ‘love’ song! 😉

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