Seven Money Saving Tips to Save for Travel is a proud supporter of the ANZ Bank’s ‘FebuSave’ campaign designed to assist women to save money during the month of February. FebuSave is a fabulous initiative considering the report results regarding women and their finances! It incorporates the internet and the power of social media, giving the program the ability to build a very supportive community for women to take ownership and responsibility for their financial well-being.

The research ANZ Bank undertook prior to the campaign found the following results:

    • 58% of women have less than $5,000 in savings and 33% have less than $1,000.
    • 56% of Australians do not save money on a regular basis.
    • 52% of women claimed they know they should have a financial plan but keep putting it off.
    • Only one in ten women are very confident in managing their investments, financial planning and superannuation,and
    • Less than one third of women surveyed said they were very confident about managing everyday finances.

So come and join me and others this ‘FebuSave’ and register your support and pledge what you will go without in order to save some pennies during February. You can also join the FebuSave Facebook Fan Page.

Big Dreams, Warrant a Big Savings Plan

There will be things we all wish to achieve and purchase during our life-time. For me as a young women having finished three years of University, my desire was to travel. In less than 12 months, I put a plan in place to get myself overseas for a period of two and half years. Here are 7 budget tips for the young women wishing to do the same (the blokes can implement these principles also!):

    1. Work a few extra hours wherever you can. That may mean taking a second part-time job and working after hours or on weekends.
    2. Ensure you attract minimal fees with your banking institution.
    3. Excess savings should be in an account earning higher interest.
    4. Prior to purchasing items ask yourself “Do I really need this?”. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll save by not spending on purchasing items you can do without.
    5. If you must purchase those ‘I can’t live without’ items, shop for the best value and this may not mean the ‘cheapest’!
    6. Try to survive without a credit card and if you can’t, pay off the debt when it’s due and avoiding heavy interest charges.
    7. The best tip and most obvious tip – don’t spend more than what you earn! You will ‘never’ get anywhere with your finances, let-alone that life experience of travelling abroad!

Have you undertaken overseas travel and what did it take to get you on that journey? What budgeting and savings tips can you share?

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One Response to “ANZ FebuSave: 7 Tips to Save for Travel”
  1. […] following savings tips can help you acquire a nice nest egg for your next holiday. Most of us spend way too much money on […]

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